How to put a password to the folder in Windows


How to put a password to the folder in Windows
Everyone loves secrets, but not everyone know how to protect the password folder with files in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7. In some cases, a secure folder on a computer is a fairly necessary thing in which you can store passwords to very important accounts on the Internet, Working files that are not intended for others and much more.

In this article - various ways to put a password to the folder and hide it from prying eyes, free programs for this (and paid too), as well as a couple of additional ways to protect your folders and password files without using third-party software. It may also be interesting: how to hide the folder in Windows - 3 ways.

Programs for installing a password to the folder in Windows 10, Windows 7 and 8

Let's start with programs designed to protect the password folders. Unfortunately, among the free utilities for this, little can be recommended, but still I managed to find two and a half solution, which can still be advised.

ATTENTION: Despite my recommendations, do not forget to check the downloadable free programs on services such as Despite the fact that at the time of writing the review, I tried to highlight only "clean" and manually checked each utility, with time and updates it could change. Additionally, you may be interested in a simple free utility for quick encryption folders and Encrypto files.

Anvide Seal Folder.

Anvide Seal Folder (formerly as I understood - Anvide Lock Folder) - the only adequate free program in Russian to install the password to the folder in Windows, not trying to be secretly (but openly offers the elements of Yandex, be careful) to establish any unwanted Software on your computer.

After starting the program, you can add a folder or folder to the list to which you want to put a password, and then click F5 (or click on the Right-click folder and select "Close Access") and set a password to the folder. It can be separate for each folder, and you can "close access to all folders" by one password. Also, by clicking on the image of the "lock" on the left in the menu bar, you can set a password to launch the program itself.

Password in Anvide SEAL FOLDER

By default, after closing the access, the folder disappears from its location, but in the program settings you can also enable encryption of the folder name and content of files for better protection. Summing up - a simple and understandable solution in which it will be easy to deal with any novice user and protect its folders from access to unauthorized persons, including some interesting additional features (for example, if someone is wrong to enter the password, you will be reported on this when you start the program with a loyal password).


Official website for free download Anvide Seal Folder


Free Lock-A-Folder open source program is a very simple solution for installing a password to the folder and hiding it from the conductor or from the desktop from the outsiders. Utility, despite the lack of Russian, is very easy to use.

Free Lock-A-Folder program

All that is required is to install a master password when you first start, then add to the folder list that you want to block. Similarly, unlocking - launched the program, selected the folder from the list and click the Unlock Selected Folder button. The program does not contain any additional proposals installed with it.

In detail about the use and where to download the program: how to put a password to the folder in the Lock-A-Folder.


Dirlock is another free program to install passwords on folders. Works as follows: After installation, the "Lock / Unlock" item is added to the folder context menu, respectively, to block and unlock these folders.

Password on the folder in the Dirlock program

This item opens the Dirlock program itself, where the folder should be added to the list, and you, accordingly, you can install a password on it. But, in my check on Windows 10 Pro x64, the program refused to work. I also did not find the official website of the program (in the ABOUT window only developer contacts), but it is easily located on a variety of websites on the Internet (but do not forget about checks on viruses and malware).


The free Russian Lim Block Folder utility is recommended almost everywhere where it comes to installing passwords on folders. However, it is categorically blocked by the defender of Windows 10 and 8 (as well as SmartScreen), but from the point of view of - net (one detection is probably false).


The second point - I could not make the program work in Windows 10, including in compatibility mode. Nevertheless, judging by the screenshots on the official website, the program must be convenient to use, and, judging by the reviews, it works. So, if you have Windows 7 or XP you can try.

Official site of the program -

A list of free third-party solutions to protect folders that can be at least somehow recommended, limited to those that were specified. But there are also paid programs for these purposes. Perhaps something from them will seem more acceptable to your goals.

Hide Folders.

Hide Folders Program is a functional solution to protect the password folders and files, their hide, which also includes Hide Folder EXT to install the password on external discs and flash drives. In addition, Hide Folders in Russian, which makes it use more simple.

Main Window Hide Folders

The program supports multiple folder protection options - hide, lock password or combination thereof, also supported remote control over the network, hiding the tracks of the program, a call to hot keys and integration (or its absence, which can also be relevant) with Windows Export, Export List of protected files.

Folder Protection in Hide Folders

In my opinion, one of the best and most convenient solutions of such a plan, although paid. The official website of the program is (free trial is 30 days).

Iobit Protected Folder.

Iobit Protected Folder is a very simple program to install a password on folders (similar to free Dirlock or Lock-A-Folder utilities), in Russian, but at the same time paid.

Iobit Protected Folder Program

Understanding how to use the program, I think, you can just get in the screenshot above, and some explanations will not be needed. When blocking a folder, it disappears from Windows Explorer. The program is compatible with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, and you can download it from the official site

Folder Lock from

Main window Folder Lock

Folder Lock does not support the Russian language, but if this is not a problem for you, then, perhaps, this is the program that provides the greatest functionality when protecting folders to the password. In addition, in fact, setting the password to the folder, you can:

  • Create "safes" with encrypted files (it is more secure than a simple password to the folder).
  • Turn on automatic lock when exiting the program, from Windows or turn off the computer.
  • Securely delete folders and files.
  • Receive reports on incorrect passwords.
  • Enable the hidden operation of the program with the call to the hot keys.
  • Create backup copies of encrypted files online.
  • Creating encrypted "safes" in the form of exe files with the ability to open on other computers where the Folder Lock program is not installed.
Settings Folder Lock

The same developer has additional tools to protect your files and folders - Folder Protect, USB BLOCK, USB Secure, slightly different features. For example, Folder Protect In addition to installing a password to files, it may prohibit their removal and change.

All developer programs are available for download (free trial versions) on the official website

Install the password to the file folder in Windows

Installation of the password

All popular archivers - WinRAR, 7-Zip, WinZip support the installation of a password to archive and encrypt its contents. That is, you can add a folder to such an archive (especially if you rarely use it) with the password setting, and the folder itself is deleted (i.e. so that it remains just a pellets archive). At the same time, this method will be more reliable than simply installing passwords on folders using the programs described above, since your files will be really encrypted.

More information about the method and video instruction here: how to put a password for the RAR, 7Z and ZIP archive.

Password on the folder without programs in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (only professional, maximum and corporate)

If you want to make a truly reliable protection for your files from outsiders in Windows and do without programs, while on your computer Windows version with BitLocker support, I would recommend the following way to install a password to your folders and files:

  1. Create a virtual hard disk and connect it in the system (a virtual hard disk is a simple file like an ISO image for CD and DVDs, which when connected as a hard disk in the explorer appears).
  2. Click on it right-click, turn on and configure BitLocker encryption for this disk.
    VHD disk encryption in BitLocker
  3. Keep your folders and files to which anyone should have access to this virtual disk. When you stop using it, unmount it (click on the disk in the conductor - to extract).

From what the Windows can offer this, probably, the most reliable way to protect files and folders on the computer.

Another way without programs

This method is not too serious and does not protect little, but for general development I give it here. To begin with, create any folder that we will protect the password. Next - Create a text document in this folder with the following content:Cls @echo off title folder under password if exist "locker" goto unlock if not exist private goto mdlocker: confirm echo are you going to block folder? (y / n) set / p "cho =>" IF% cho% == y goto Lock IF% Cho% == y Goto Lock IF% Cho% == N Goto End If% Cho% == N Goto End Echo Incorrect selection. Goto Confirm: Lock Ren Private "Locker" ATTRIB + H + S "Locker" Echo Folder Blocked Goto End: Unlock Echo Enter the password to unlock the folder SET / P "PASS =>" If not% Pass% == Your_pall Goto Fail Attrib -h -s "Locker" Ren "Locker" Private Echo Folder successfully unlocked Goto End: fail echo Incorrect password Goto End: MDLocker MD Private Echo Secret folder created Goto End: End

Save this file with the .bat extension and run it. After you run this file, the PRIVATE folder will automatically be created, where you should save all your super secret files. After all files have been saved, start our .bat file again. When the question is asked if you want to block the folder, press Y - as a result, the folder will simply disappear. If you need to open the folder again - you start the .bat file, enter the password, and the folder appears.

The way, to put it mildly, unreliable - in this case, the folder is simply hiding, and when entering the password it is shown again. In addition, someone more or less courtested in computers can look into the contents of the BAT file and find out the password. But, the topic is no less, I think this way will be interesting to some novice users. Once I also studied at such simple examples.

How to put a password to the folder in MacOS X

Fortunately, on iMac or MacBook, installing a password on the file folder does not represent any difficulties at all.

That's how it can be done:

  1. Open the "disk utility" (Disk Utility), is in "Programs" - "Service Programs"
  2. In the menu, select "File" - "New" - "Create an image from the folder". You can also just click "New Image"
  3. Specify the name of the image, size (more data to save it will not work) and the type of encryption. Click "Create".
  4. At the next step, you will be prompted to enter a password and confirmation of the password.

Password on the folder in Apple Mac OS

That's all - now you have a disk image, mounted which (which means read or save files) only after entering the correct password. In this case, all your data is stored in an encrypted form, which increases safety.

That's all at today, they reviewed several ways to put a password to the folder in Windows and MacOS, as well as a couple of programs for this. I hope for someone this article will be useful.

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