Can not connect to the proxy server - what to do?


Connection error to the proxy server
In this instruction, it is detailed how to correct the error when when opening the site the browser writes that it is not possible to connect to the proxy server. Such a message You can see in Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and in Opera. It does not matter whether you use Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

First, what kind of configuration causes the appearance of this message and how to fix it. And then - about why even after fixing an error with connecting to a proxy server appears again. Updated instructions: How to fix error err_proxy_connection_failed.

Correct the error in the browser

Could not connect to the proxy server

So, the reason that the browser reports an error of connecting to the proxy server in that for some reason (which will be discussed below), in the connection properties on your computer, the automatic determination of the connection parameters has been changed to using a proxy server. And, accordingly, that we need to do is to return everything "as it was." (If you are more convenient to view the instructions in the video format, scroll down the article down).

  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel, switch to the "icons" view, if you are "categories" and open the "Browser Properties" (also item may be called "Observer Properties").
    Browser Properties in Control Panel
  2. Click the "Connections" tab and click Network Setup.
    Connection settings
  3. If there is a mark "Use a proxy server for local connections", remove it and set the automatic determination of the parameters, as in the picture. Apply the parameters.
    Connection parameters for proxy server

Note: If you use the Internet in an organization where access is carried out through the server, the change in these parameters can lead to the fact that the Internet will be unavailable, better contact the administrator. The instruction is designed for home users who have this error in the browser.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, you can do the same as follows:

  1. Go to the browser settings, click "Show Advanced Settings".
  2. In the "Network" section, click the "Change Proxy Server Settings" button.
    Proxy Server Settings in Chrome
  3. Next steps have already been described above.
  4. Additional methods in a separate material: how to disable a proxy server in Windows and browser.

Approximately similar way, you can change the proxy settings and to the Yandex browser and in the opera.

If after that sites began to open, and the error no longer appears - excellent. However, it may be that after restarting the computer or even earlier, the message about connecting problems with the proxy server will appear again.

In this case, once again go to the connection settings and, if you see there, the parameters changed again, go to the next step.

Could not connect to the proxy server due to the virus

If the connection parameters itself appears on the use of the proxy server, in all likelihood, malware appeared on your computer or it was not completely removed.

As a rule, such changes contribute "viruses" (not quite), which show you incomprehensible advertising in the browser, pop-up windows, and so on.

In this case, it is necessary to take care of the removal of such malicious software from its computer. I wrote about it in detail in two articles, and they should help you correct the problem and remove the error "cannot connect to the proxy server" and other symptoms (most likely the first way in the first article will also help):

  • How to remove advertising that pops up in the browser
  • Free tools for removing malicious programs

How to fix the error (video)

I hope one of the methods turned out to be useful in your situation.

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