Best Free Antivirus 2013


Best Free Antivirus 2013
A few days ago, I wrote an overview of the best antiviruses of 2013, where only paid products included, the trial version is right with the ability to download. This time, let's talk about completely free antivirus, which can be used to protect the home computer, do not pay for it and, with all this, to secure decent protection from malicious software.

Update: Best Free Antivirus 2020, Best Antivirus for Windows 10

See also: How to check the computer for viruses online

Free Avast 8 Antivirus version (avast 2013)

Avast Free Antivirus 8 is the first in the ranking of the best free Antivirus 2013. The reasons for this are not only high reliability, the presence of all necessary functions, such as protection against viruses, trojans and other malicious software, full-fledged protection against the Internet, files and flash drives, but also some other features of this antivirus.

Working in the field of computer aid, establishing people of a variety of antiviruses, came to the conclusion that the most convenient and understandable antivirus for most ordinary users is that Avast is. In addition, the level of anti-threat protection is one of the highest antivirus products.

Free Antivirus Avast.

Avast Free Antivirus 8 is perfectly compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP. It is also worth noting one interesting possibility of this antivirus, namely the possibility of heuristic analysis, which allows you to find those viruses and threats that are not yet in the anti-virus databases. Well, the last - Avast almost does not slow down the system during operation.

Download free Antivirus Avast Free Antivirus 8 (Avast 2013) You can from the official website:

AVG Anti-Virus Free 2013

Free AVG Anti-Virus is one of the best products to protect against viruses, spyware and a lot of others, and perhaps I would use it if I didn't think that I had enough anti-virus solution built in Windows 8.

Download free avg 2013 antivirus

AVG AntiVirus Free 2013 is a full-featured anti-virus software that includes scanning files, processes, email messages and links on the Internet. Also, like the previous antivirus, AVG works in Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and (always forget about its existence) Windows Vista.

A significant amount of functions, more inherent in paid programs, the frequency of updating the viral bases, high reliability and principle of work "installed and forgot" - all this makes AVG Antivirus one of the best for today. Download Anti-Virus Free Anti-Virus FREE you can from the official site avg

Free Avira Anti-Virus

Avira AntiVirus Free protects the computer from viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, the appearance of banners, rootkits and a lot of others. Thus, this software rightly entered the ranking of the best free antiviruses of 2013. Support for Windows 8 is not stated in the antivirus, but it is fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows XP.

Features of free Antivirus Avira 2013

A list of threats that are able to protect free Avira antivirus is extensive, moreover, the program has built-in heuristic analysis functions and, which is also important, is very simple and easy to use even for a novice computer user.

One minus can be noted: After installation, this program requires the initial configuration, which can be somewhat confused by some users who would be easier to automatically be installed by default settings. Anyway, Avira is definitely one of the best free antiviruses. You can download it here:

BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition

Find a free version of Antivirus on the company's website is not easy, but perhaps. Download free Antivirus from BitDefender here:


If you read an overview of the best paid antivirus products, then you could see that BitDefender is the best paid antivirus according to foreign computer publications, a kind of foreign Kaspersky. With regard to the free version of this program, it also costs attention:

  • Full support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP (including support for integration into the Windows 8 security system)
  • Easy installation, minimum system resource requirements
  • Antivirus will not constantly remind that it would not be bad to acquire a paid license.

Thus, the recognized quality of the Free BitDefender Anti-Virus, the simplicity of its installation and use ensures it gets here.

Microsoft Security Essentials.

UPD: According to new information, it is better to use something else as a free antivirus. Read more.

A long-known free Anti-virus from Microsoft is also one of the best products of this kind today. Security Essentials is free, regularly updated, easy to use and protects against all types of threats. In Windows 8, it is built-in and is called Windows Defender, and in Windows 7 and Windows XP you can download this antivirus from the official site of Microsoft on the link

Microsoft Security Essentials Anti-Virus

In this review of the best antiviruses of 2013, I reviewed only five of numerous free programs to protect the computer and your data. You can read about something else in the article free antiviruses on the website, but I would recommend to stop at one of the five above.

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