How to turn off pop-up cards on the Google Chrome tabs


How to Disable Pop-up Tasks Chrome tabs
In Google Chrome the latest version when you hover the mouse pointer on the default tab, a pop-up card (Tab Hover Cards) appears with the full name of this tab. For those users who are constantly open a hundred tabs, it can be comfortable, but for many others - not very. Fortunately, such pop-up tips can be removed.

In this instruction detailed how to disable pop-up cards (windows) with tab information when you hover the header of the tab in Google Chrome, it is very simple.

Disabling pop-up windows when you hover the mouse on the header of the Chrome tab

Pop-up card over the Chrome tab

To disable a new feature showing a tab with tab information, you need to use the experimental settings of Google Chrome:

  1. In the address bar chrome enter Chrome: //Flags. And press ENTER.
  2. A page with a full list of experimental settings will open. To find the word you need in the search string Hover.
  3. In point Tab. Hover Cards Right click on the arrow and select item. Disabled..
    Chrome tab cards are disabled
  4. At the bottom of the Chrome window will appear a button Relaunch , Press it to restart the browser to make the settings taken into force.
    Restart Google Chrome.

Finish, after this prompts will not pop up on tabs.

Instead of steps 1-2, you can simply copy to the browser address bar Chrome: // Flags / # Tab-Hover-Cards And press ENTER, the desired setting will immediately be opened, only to turn it off by selecting Disabled and restart Chrome.

If you need to return the settings to the original state, do the same, but instead of disabled, select Default.

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