Does not enter VKontakte - what to do


Does not open VKontakte - how to be?

Account VKontakte blocked and will be removed

Account VKontakte blocked and will be removed

Send SMS VKontakte

What to do if you do not enter Vkontakte, classmates hacked and the questions like this are the most common in various forums or answers. Still: a huge number of people with a variety of computer-owned levels are constantly on social networks and, if suddenly, instead of the usual page, see reports that their account is hacked or was evident in the spreadsheet of spam messages and in order for the questionnaire Removed, often do not know what to do. I will try to tell about it in detail. This instruction can also help if you simply do not open the page in contact in any browser: writes a DNS error or that the waiting time has expired.

Why it is impossible to go to the VKontakte website?

In 95% of cases, no one broke your account, which is easy to make sure, trying to go to your page VKontakte, classmates or other social network from a computer, say, girlfriends - you will work fine. So what's the deal?

The case in a kind of "virus", which you can easily download instead of (or together with) a useful program that helps download video VKontakte, increase your ratings, hack the page of another person, etc. In fact, you load malicious software, haunting completely different purposes, namely: steal your password or significantly empty your mobile phone account. At the same time, as already mentioned, this is not exactly a virus, and therefore many antivirus programs may not report a possible threat.

After you run a similar file, it makes certain changes to the HOSTS system file, with the result that, when you try to go to, and some other sites, you see a page with a very similar interface reporting that The entry cannot be implemented and telling about why it is not possible to do: notice the spam mailing, your account is hacked, you need to confirm the password, etc. In fact, such pages have nothing to do with VKontakte - just as a result of the work of the mentioned program, introducing a familiar address in the address bar of the browser, records in the Hosts file redirect you to a special server of fraudsters (specially decorated so that there is no suspicion).

Sometimes they are asked to send an SMS with a specific text on the specified short number, it happens that you need to first enter your cell phone number, and then the password has come in the form of an SMS. In all cases, everything that happens is a loss of money from mobile. Fraudsters will encrose. In addition, in the case of theft of your password from the account, it can be used to send spam: Your friends VKontakte will receive messages that do not have any relationship to you, including links to download any files, advertising, etc..

So two rules:
  • Do not send any SMS and do not enter the phone numbers, password from the account, no mandatory SMS activation is needed.
  • Do not panic, everything can be fixed easily.

What to do if you hacked VKontakte

Open the system disk, on it - Windows folder - System32 - Drivers - etc. In the last folder you will find the HOSTS file to be opened in the notebook. In the normal state (and in the absence of a hacked photoshop) the contents of this file should look like this:

# (C) Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corp.), 1993-1999 # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows. # # This file contains copies of IP addresses nodes names. Each element should be located in a separate line. The IP address must be # in the first column, the corresponding name must follow. The IP address and node name must be separated at least one space. # # Pre In addition, in some rows, comments may be inserted # (such as this line), they must follow the name of the node and separate # from it with the '#' symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # client node x LocalHost: If you have no hosts file for some reason, restart the computer In safe mode and do all operations there. To download the secure mode, after turning on the computer, click F8 and select it in the menu that appears. If there are still some records after a row Localhost, in which the addresses, appear, and others - boldly We delete them and save the file. Sometimes, unnecessary entries in the Hosts file can be located somewhere at the bottom, after a significant empty space - if you see that the text can be scrolled even lower, make it. In this case, right-click on the "My Computer" icon, select The "Find" context menu, then "files and folders" and check your computer for the vkontakte.exe file. If such a file suddenly turned out to be detected - delete. Press the computer and, if everything has been done correctly, and the problem was only in this, we can go to your account. Just in case, change your password in Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki, perhaps he was poured while you tried to get to your page.

If the edit of Hosts does not help come into contact

It makes sense to check, perhaps you still really hacked. Run the command line by pressing the start - Run by typing CMD and pressing Enter (you can also press the Win + R keys and enter CMD there). In the command prompt, enter nslookup (or another address to which you can not go). As a result, we will see a bunch of IP addresses that meet VKontakte servers. After that, in the same time, enter the Ping command, it will be information that there is a package exchange with a specific IP address. If this address coincides with one of the first command displayed when executing the first team, it means that your account was really blocked by the VKontakte administration.

Checking addresses belonging to the present VK

Checking addresses belonging to the present VK

Check which address we go when contacting VKontakte

Check which address we go when contacting VKontakte

Another way is to check the accessory of the IP address displayed when the Ping command is to belong to WHOIS services. To do this, remember or write this address, go to and enter this address. As a result, you will see the next page.


The address really belongs to social. Network VKontakte

If it specifies that this IP address belongs to VKontakte, then, again, your account is really blocked by the administration and makes sense to enter your phone number (which account was recorded) where they are asked about. Otherwise, the point is still in malware on your computer. If after doing the instructions described above, when you try to enter your page, you report that the password is incorrect, it is very likely that it has been changed by intruders. Try contacting the technical support of the site and explain the situation, most likely you will go to the meeting.

Perhaps your account is really hacked, after which it was blocked by the VKontakte administration for sending spam messages. Again, check it out from another computer. If you see the same message from it, then carefully read the attached instructions and do all of what is said about. If it does not help - contact the technical support of VKontakte, explain to them the situation, as well as report all the data for you to identify as an account owner, such as name, phone number, answer to the secret question, etc.

If nothing from the described helped, try another way:
