Error Code 0x0003 in NVIDIA GeForce Experience - how to fix


Error 0x0003 in GeForce Experience
One of the most common errors when starting GeForce Experience from NVIDIA - an error with code 0x0003 (Error Code 0x0003 "Something Went Wrong"). If you encountered such a problem, it is usually relatively simple to fix it.

In this instruction, it is detailed that the situation under consideration may be caused and how to fix the Error Code 0x0003 in GeForce Experience in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7. Before you start any actions, try a simple reboot of the computer or laptop if you have not yet done - Can work.

  • Check NVIDIA services
  • Reinstalling GeForce Experience, Video Card Drivers
  • Solving network problems and the Internet
  • Video instruction

Checking the work of NVIDIA services

Error message Error Code 0x0003 when launching NVIDIA GeForce Experience

First of all, when an error occurs 0x0003 in GeForce Experience, it is recommended to check the correct NVIDIA service parameters:

  1. Press Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter Services.msc. And press ENTER.
  2. A list of Windows services opens, find the NVIDIA service among them and note that for the NVIDIA Display Controller LS and NVIDIA localSystem Container LS and NVIDIA Localsystem Container, the startup type was "automatically", and the state is "executed", and for the NVIDIA NetWorkService Container service - the startup type "manually" " If the NVIDIA telemetry service is present in the list, I recommend moving to the second method in the next section of the instruction.
    NVIDIA services in Windows
  3. If this is not the case, click twice by the desired service, change the start type and apply the settings. For those services where the startup type "Automatically" after application, click the Run button.
    NVIDIA Run Start Fix

After changing the startup options, check whether the GeForce Experience starts.

Usually, provided that the cause of the error was in service, NVIDIA GeForce Experience is regularly started.

Error in GeForce Experience Fixed

Reinstalling GeForce Experience and Drivers

Another frequently triggering method to correct ERROR Code 0x0003 in NVIDIA GeForce Experience is a simple reinstalling program:

  1. Go to the Control Panel - Programs and Components, select "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" in the list and click "Delete / Edit".
    Reinstalling NVIDIA GeForce Experience
  2. Delete the program.
  3. Download the latest version of GeForce Experience from the official site of NVIDIA - install and check the program.

If this method does not help, try to completely delete all NVIDIA programs and drivers, you can do this by following the instructions: how to completely remove the NVIDIA, AMD or Intel video card drivers. Then manually load the latest drivers available for your video card from the official NVIDIA website and install them (I recommend to install the "Clean Installation" mark when installed.

Solving network problems and the Internet

Problems with network access can also cause an error with code 0x0003 when you start GeForce Experience:
  1. If recently you installed antiviruses or firewalls, try to turn them off and check if it solved the problem.
  2. At the command prompt on behalf of the administrator, try to execute the command Netsh Winsock Reset. And restart the computer after its execution.
  3. If you have Windows 10, try resetting network settings with built-in system tools.

Video Error Correction Instructions 0x0003 in NVIDIA GeForce Experience

As a rule, one of the specified methods allows you to correct the problem, and the GeForce Experience is regularly started and running without reporting any errors.
