Classmates do not open - how to fix


Classmates can not be opened
What if the site classmates from a computer or a laptop does not open. At the same time, sometimes, it may not open from the phone. In this instruction we will analyze in detail what to do in this case, why it does not work out onto the site of classmates - OK.RU and how to fix the problem.

Important: Sometimes it happens that classmates do not open due to the fact that there are some work on the social network. In this case, the site will not work not only with you, but also from your friends. In this case, it is enough just to wait for the end of work on the site and everything will work again.

  • Why the page does not open in classmates
  • What to do if the site classmates does not open
  • Video instruction, if you can not go to OK.RU

Why the page does not open in classmates

The first and most common cause cannot be opened OK.Ru - the presence or launch of a malicious code on the computer. To determine if you really can't get to classmates because of the viruses are simple enough, these are the main signs of this:
  1. Site classmates not open on one computer, and from the phone, tablet, another computer or laptop - everything is fine.
  2. When you try to go to your page in classmates, you see a message that your profile is blocked on suspicion of spam mailing (or similar text), your account is hacked and a request to specify the phone number (or send SMS), after which you need to specify the confirmation code. Or, instead, you see Err Connection refused, 300, 403, 404 errors (not found), 500 (internal server error), 505 or other.

How it happens on the computer: When you start the malware in the system files, changes are made, which lead to the fact that when entering the address OK.RU (or transition through bookmarks) you automatically head to the site of the attacker, which is decorated in the same way as the real Site classmates.

The goal of the attacker - get your password, but others - have to pay to subscribe to your mobile phone number that is simple enough - you only need to enter your phone number and confirm your subscription by any means, for example to enter a confirmation code or send sms to any code . Given the fact that such sites are quickly closed quickly, then in the case of the site of the attacker closed, and the virus on your computer continues to send to this site instead of classmates, you see an error message.

Other reasons are possible - for example, network problems, antivirus intervention or expansion in the browser, using a VPN or proxy when working with the Internet, which can also interfere with the entrance to some sites, including classmates.

What to do if the site classmates does not open

The first method is the easiest and, at the same time, the most effective in the case when the social network of classmates does not open and you cannot enter - 90%, that it will help in solving the problem:

  1. Download the AdwCleer utility for cleaning from malicious programs from the official site
  2. After starting the utility, go to its settings and turn on options as in the screenshot below.
    Correction of the entrance to classmates in ADWCleaner
  3. Return to the Control Panel tab in ADWCleaner and click the Scan button.
  4. After scanning, you will need to click either the "Quarantine" button or "Run Recovery".
  5. Upon completion, you will be prompted to restart the computer. Do it, and then try to go to classmates again.

If after that the classmates site still does not open, try disable all extensions in the browser (this is shown in the form below), and if any VPN or proxy services are used, too.

Correction Issues with Entrance to Odnoklassniki - Video Instruction

After performing these actions with a high probability, go to classmates will succeed and everything will be fine.

Consider if you can't get only to classmates, but also to other sites in the browser on your computer, then the problem can be with your Internet or Internet provider. It will correct here to search for a network (for example, from the phone) in the text of the error that the browser gives out when trying to enter the site.

If nothing has helped from this, try also view these orculturally:

  • I can not go to classmates
  • Pages do not open in any browser
