Мақолаҳо #1040

Windows 10 boot recovery

Windows 10 boot recovery
If after installing the second OS, attempts to use the free place on the hidden sections of the disk or format them, in the case of system failures,...

Sound in Windows 10

Sound in Windows 10
Many users who updated to Windows 10 or after the net installation of the OS collided with the most different problems of sound operation in the system...

Incorrect service installation section in this INF file (MTP Device, MTP device)

Incorrect service installation section in this INF file (MTP Device, MTP device)
One of the frequent problems when connecting the Android phone or tablet to a computer or a USB laptop is an error message when installing the driver:...

Windows 10 microphone does not work - what to do?

Windows 10 microphone does not work - what to do?
One of the frequent problems in Windows 10 is problems with the operation of the microphone, especially the frequent after a recent Windows update....

Computer or laptop does not see mouse

Computer or laptop does not see mouse
Sometimes Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 may encounter the fact that his computer (or laptop) does not see the mouse - it can occur after system updates,...

How to speed up windows 10

How to speed up windows 10
What version of OS from Microsoft did not talk, one of the most frequent issues - how to make it faster. In this instruction, let's talk about why Windows...

How to reset the password windows 10

How to reset the password windows 10
In this instruction - how to reset a forgotten password in Windows 10, regardless of whether you are using a Microsoft account or a local account. Self...

How to fix the disk in the RAW file system

How to fix the disk in the RAW file system
One of the problems that users of Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 are encountered - hard disk (HDD and SSD) or partition of the disk with the RAW file...

Sketches (miniatures) of Windows 10 images are not displayed.

Sketches (miniatures) of Windows 10 images are not displayed.
One of the common problems of Windows 10 users is not shown sketches or image thumbnails (photos and pictures), as well as video in the conductor folders,...

Restoring Android data from internal memory by mounting internal storage in the system

Restoring Android data from internal memory by mounting internal storage in the system
Data recovery, remote photos and video, documents and other elements from the internal memory of modern Android phones and tablets has become a challenging...

What's new in Windows 10 version 1803 April Update

What's new in Windows 10 version 1803 April Update
Initially, the next update of Windows 10 components - version 1803 Spring Creators Update was expected in early April 2018, but due to the fact that...

Secrets Windows 10.

Secrets Windows 10.
Turning to a new version of the OS, in our case - Windows 10 or when updating to the next version of the system, users usually seek those functions...