Problems with Wi-Fi router and their solution


So, you configured your wireless router, but for some reason something does not work. I will try to consider the most common problems with Wi-Fi routers and ways to solve them. Most of the problems described equally can meet in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 and solutions will be similar.

According to your experience, as well as on comments on this site, I can select the following typical problems faced by users when, it would seem, they all configured exactly and according to all sorts of instructions.

  • The status of the router states that the WAN connection is torn
  • Internet is on the computer, but not available on a laptop, tablet, other devices
  • The default gateway is not available.
  • I can not go to the address or
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone does not see Wi-Fi, but sees neighbors access points
  • Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop
  • Infinite Obtaining IP Address on Android
  • Permanent disconnect breaks
  • Low download speed via Wi-Fi
  • Laptop writes that there is no available Wi-Fi connections
  • Local urban resources provider, torrent, dc ++ hub and others are not available

If I remember about other typical things like the above, I will replenish the list, but still begin.

  • What to do if when connecting a laptop writes that the connection is limited and without access to the Internet (provided that the router is configured correctly)
  • What to do if when connected it writes: network parameters saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network
  • What if the Android tablet or smartphone writes all the time receiving an IP address and does not connect to Wi-Fi.

The Wi-Fi connection disappears and the low download speed through the router (through the wire everything is fine)

In this case, you can help changing the channel wireless network. It is not about those who also encountered situations when the router simply freezes, but only about those when the wireless connection itself disappears on individual devices or in specific places, and it is not possible to achieve the normal speed of Wi-Fi compound. In detail how to choose the free Wi-Fi channel can be found here.

Wan running or the Internet is only on the computer

The main reason for which such a problem with the WiFi router is found is a connected WAN connection on a computer. The meaning of the configuration and operation of the wireless router is that the Internet connection will be installed independently, after which the "distribute" access to other devices. Thus, if the router is already configured, but, with the connection of Beeline, Rostelecom, etc., available on the computer, is in the "connected" state, the Internet will work only on the computer, and the router will not accept the router in this almost any participation. In addition, the router will not be able to connect the WAN, as it is already connected on your computer, and most providers allow only one connection from one user at one time. I do not know how clear I managed to explain the logic, but, even if it is not clear, simply accept as a given: so that everything worked, a separate connection of the provider on your computer must be disabled. Only the connection should be connected via a local network, or, in the case of a laptop, etc., a wireless network connection.

Unable to go to the address to configure the router

Wi-Fi problems
If you encountered the fact that when you set the address to access the settings of your router, the corresponding page does not open, do the following.

1) Ensure that the connection settings on the local network (your direct connection to the router) is set: to receive an IP address automatically, to receive DNS addresses automatically.

UPD: Check if you enter this address in the address bar - some users trying to configure the router, enter it into the search string, resulting in something like "page cannot be displayed."

2) If the previous item does not help, use the execute command (Win + R keys, in Windows 8, you can simply start typing the word "Run), enter CMD, press ENTER. And in the command line mode, enter ipconfig. Pay attention to the "Main Gateway" value of the connection used to configure - it is at this address and you should go to the router administration page. If this address is different from the standard, then perhaps the router was configured earlier to work in some particular network with certain requirements. You can reset it to the factory settings. If there is no address in this point at all, then, again, try reset the router. If it did not work, you can also try to disconnect the provider cable from the router, leaving only the cable to which it connects to the PC is to solve the problem: make the necessary settings without this cable, and after everything is configured again, connect the provider cable again. Pay attention to the firmware version and, if relevant - update it. In the case when it does not help - make sure that the "correct" drivers are installed for the computer network card. Ideally, download them from the manufacturer's website.

Settings are not saved

If for some reason the settings, after their input and press "Save" are not saved, as well as if it is not possible to restore the settings previously saved to a separate file - try to do an operation in another browser. In general, in the event of any strange behavior of the admin, the router is worth trying this option.

Laptop (Tablet, other device) does not see WiFi

In this case, a variety of options are possible and they are all common in approximately the same. Let's in order.

If your laptop does not see the access point, then, first of all, check whether the wireless module is turned on in it. To do this, look at the "Network and Shared Access Center" - "Adapter Settings" in Windows 7 and Windows 8, or to network connections on Windows XP. Make sure the wireless connection is turned on. If disabled (displayed with gray), then turn on. Perhaps the problem is already solved. If not turned on - see if there is a hardware switch for Wi-Fi on your laptop (on my Sony VAIO, for example, there is).

Going further. If the wireless connection is turned on, but constantly resides in the status of "no connection", make sure that your Wi-Fi adapter is installed those drivers that are needed. This is especially true of laptops. Many users by setting a program to automatically update drivers or having a driver installed by the Windows operating system automatically, believe that this is the necessary driver. As a result, often faced problems. The desired driver is the one that is located on the manufacturer's website of your laptop and is intended for your model. In portable computers, specific equipment and the use of drivers (not only for network equipment) recommended by the manufacturer can avoid many problems.

Wi-Fi United States
In the event that the previous option did not help you, try to go to the "admin" of the router and change the wireless network settings slightly. First: change b / g / n on b / g. Earned? So, the wireless module of your device does not support the 802.11n standard. Nothing terrible, in most cases, it will not affect the speed of access to the network. If not earned, try it in the same manually to specify the channel of the wireless network (usually it is "automatically").

And one more unlikely, but the possible option with which I had to face three times, and twice - for the iPad tablet. The device also refused to see the access point, and it was decided by setting in the region of the United states in the Region instead of Russia.

Other problems

With constant bursts of the connection when working, make sure that you have the latest firmware version, if it is not so - update it. Read Forums: Perhaps other customers of your provider with the same router that you have already encountered such a problem and have decisions on this.

For some Internet providers, access to local resources, such as torrent trackers, game servers, and others, requires setting static routes in the router. If so, then information on how to register them in the router you are with a great likelihood you will find on the forum of the company that provides you with access to the Internet.

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