White distortion (cursor) flashes when the computer or laptop is loaded - the reasons and what to do


White packer on the screen when loading a computer
One of the common problems of users when booting a computer or laptop is both from the built-in HDD or SSD and from the flash drive - a black screen on which a white dog flashes, or rather - the underscore character and further loading does not occur.

In this instruction, it is detailed that the problem may be caused and how to fix the situation if you encountered a white flashing dash when the computer is loaded.

  • White distiller flashes when downloading already installed Windows 10
  • When loading from a flash drive

White Damn on the Black Screen when booting Windows 10

In case the system is already installed on HDD or SSD and when loading, you saw a black screen with a flashing white cursor (or see it sometimes when turned on, and the next time the download passes normally), the reason may be the problem with the loader, the BIOS parameters, and Some features of Windows 10, associated with the Connected Standby mode (the first item is just about this).

Try the following solutions in this situation:

  1. If the problem appears when the computer or a laptop is first turned on, but it disappears when it is turned off and then turning on, when Windows 10 is once again loaded normally, disable the "Quick Start" function.
  2. Try to turn off the computer or laptop long retention button, then disable any USB drives and memory cards (and other devices, if recently connected), turn on the computer again.
  3. If the problem appeared immediately after installing Windows 10, in the BIOS (UEFI) of your computer, instead of downloading with HDD or SSD, select (if there is such a paragraph).
  4. If the problem appeared after disconnecting one of the disks, the reason may be that the system bootloader was on it (the system and the bootloader can be located on different disks).
  5. If you dumped bios (or there are suspicions that it has dropped independently), make sure that the correct download options are set. For example, for a system installed on the MBR Disk, Legacy support must be enabled (CSM, Compatibility Support Mode) and the Secure Boot is disabled, and the GPT disks can help disabling support for the Legacy mode.
  6. In the event that none of the options are suitable, on the computer, the only disk and earlier the download from it was successful, you can try to restore the Windows 10 bootloader, but before that in the same command line (how to open it describes in the loader recovery instructions) Checking the disk on errors using CHKDSK.

White cursor flashing when booting from a flash drive

The second frequency is the case of a "white chop" when loading a computer or laptop from a flash drive. Here, the reasons are usually the same: the loading mode in the BIOS does not match the mode for which the flash drive was prepared, in some cases - the Secure Boot option turned on when booting from the drive for which it must be disabled.

In detail about all these moments in a separate article, a computer or laptop does not see the boot flash drive in the Boot Menu - the context of the Other instruction, but all described actions are suitable for solving the problem under consideration.

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