Nakala #970

"Secrets" of Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

"Secrets" of Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
Many users use Windows Explorer as the main file manager, but only a small number knows about some of it not obvious capabilities and functions that...

What's New in Windows 10 1903 May 2019 Update

What's New in Windows 10 1903 May 2019 Update
The next update of Windows 10 components of 1903 May 2019 Update is already available for download and installation and, as usual, brings with you a...

No access to the target folder in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

No access to the target folder in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
The most common scenarios of the error appearance "There is no access to the target folder. You need permission to perform this operation, "an attempt...

Removing malicious programs in Reason Core Security

Removing malicious programs in Reason Core Security
Of the various kinds of scanners that search and remove a malicious, advertising and potentially undesirable today are available in abundance (see the...

How to find out the real capacitance of the Android battery

How to find out the real capacitance of the Android battery
Over time, especially with intensive use or frequent full discharge, the battery on the Android phone loses its capacity, and when replacing the battery,...

iPhone Internal Storage or DCIM folder is empty when connecting to a computer - how to fix?

iPhone Internal Storage or DCIM folder is empty when connecting to a computer - how to fix?
When you connect the iPhone to a computer or laptop by a USB cable, for example, in order to transfer the photo from it, you can find that the iPhone...

Jinsi ya kurejea mandhari mkali ya Google Chrome katika mada ya giza ya Windows 10

Jinsi ya kurejea mandhari mkali ya Google Chrome katika mada ya giza ya Windows 10
Hivi karibuni, nilielezea jinsi ya kuwezesha mada ya giza ya kubuni ya Google Chrome, sasa wakati browser imekuwa rangi ya mada ya usajili kutoka kwa...

Kifaa hiki tayari kutumika wakati sauti ni pato kupitia HDMI

Kifaa hiki tayari kutumika wakati sauti ni pato kupitia HDMI
Wakati mwingine wakati wa kuonyesha sauti kwa kufuatilia au TV kupitia HDMI kutoka kwa kompyuta au laptop na Windows 10, 8.1 au Windows 7, unaweza kukutana...

Hakuna upatikanaji wa gari la flash, unakataa upatikanaji - jinsi ya kurekebisha

Hakuna upatikanaji wa gari la flash, unakataa upatikanaji - jinsi ya kurekebisha
Ikiwa unapounganishwa na gari lolote la USB au disk ngumu ya nje kwenye USB na jaribio la kufungua yaliyomo yake (makala inazungumzia hali hii, ikiwa...

Jinsi ya Kutupa picha kutoka kwa iPhone hadi kompyuta ya Windows na Mac, Cable na Wi-Fi

Jinsi ya Kutupa picha kutoka kwa iPhone hadi kompyuta ya Windows na Mac, Cable na Wi-Fi
Ikiwa unahitaji nakala ya faili za picha na video kutoka kwa iPhone kwenye kompyuta, kuna njia rahisi za kupatikana kwa hili: inaweza kufanyika kwa...

Jinsi ya kurejesha data kutoka kwa diski ya nje ya nje

Jinsi ya kurejesha data kutoka kwa diski ya nje ya nje
Upyaji wa data kutoka kwa diski ya nje ngumu sio tofauti sana na utaratibu huo wa gari la flash, kadi ya kumbukumbu au kompyuta ya kawaida ya HDD, lakini...

Jinsi ya kubadilisha icons za mfumo wa Windows 10.

Jinsi ya kubadilisha icons za mfumo wa Windows 10.
Ikiwa unahitaji kubadili icon ya "kompyuta", icon ya kikapu, folda na maeneo mengine ya mfumo - uifanye tu zana za mfumo. Aidha, kuna mabadiliko ya...