How to return tabs in Chrome for Android


Enabling old tabs in Chrome for Android
One of the first things I drew attention to after updating to Android 5 Lollipop is the lack of familiar tabs in the Google Chrome browser. Now with each open tab, you need to work with a separate open application. I do not know for sure whether new versions of Chrome for Android 4.4 behave (I do not have such devices left), but I think that yes is the trend of the concept of Material Design.

You can get used to such switching tabs, but personally it does not fully work out and it seems that the usual tabs inside the browser, as well as a simpler opening of a new tab using the plus icon, it was much more convenient. But I suffered, not knowing that there is an opportunity to return everything as it was.

Turn on the old tabs in the new Chrome on Android

New option tabs in the form of applications

As it turned out, to enable ordinary tabs, it was necessary only to look at the Google Chrome settings. There is an obvious section "Combine tabs and applications" and it is enabled by default (in this case, the Site tabs behave like individual applications).

Setting the Combining of tabs and applications

If you disable this item, the browser will restart, restore all the session running at the time of switching and later work with tabs will occur using the switch in the Chrome itself for Android, as it was before.

Tabs inside Chrome

Also, the browser menu also changes: for example, in a new interface version on the homepage Chrome (with miniatures of frequently visited sites and search), there is no item "Open a new tab", and in the old (with tabs) it is.

I do not know, maybe I do not understand something and embedded Google the work option is better, but for some reason it does not seem. Although who knows: Organization of the Area of ​​Notifications and Access to Settings in Android 5 I also did not really like it, but now I'm used to it.

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