Artiklar #989

Memory can not be read - how to fix?

Memory can not be read - how to fix?
When starting games and programs, and in some cases, when you turn on the computer, you may encounter an error "The instruction at the address requested...

How to turn off or send to sleep computer combination keys

How to turn off or send to sleep computer combination keys
If for any reason you need to have the ability to turn off the computer or laptop using a key combination, or translate it into sleep mode, make it...

Setup, optimization, enable and disable Windows 10 functions in Ultimate Windows Tweaker

Setup, optimization, enable and disable Windows 10 functions in Ultimate Windows Tweaker
Ultimate Windows Tweaker - a powerful free utility to configure functions and optimizing Windows 10 system from developers of another useful tool -...

How to View Wi-Fi Password on Android

How to View Wi-Fi Password on Android
Sometimes it may be necessary to know the password from the connected Wi-Fi network on the Android phone to connect another smartphone, laptop or other...

Sharex - one of the best free desktop recording software and screenshots

Sharex - one of the best free desktop recording software and screenshots
If you need a video recording tool from the desktop or program windows, creating screenshots and additional actions on them, such as text recognition...

How to put or change ringtone on Android

How to put or change ringtone on Android
Some new Android users may not know how to change the current ringtone, set different melodies to different contacts, and more often - how to install...

How to change the DNS server in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to change the DNS server in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
If there are problems with opening sites, such as ERR_NAME_NOT_Resolved and many others one of the first recommended actions change the DNS server in...

How to remove Windows 10 from a computer completely

How to remove Windows 10 from a computer completely
Many users are interested in how to completely remove Windows 10 from a computer or laptop. True, often under this issue implies different things: installing...

What's New in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, version 2004

What's New in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, version 2004
The next large update of Windows 10 components is already coming out - May Update 2020, version 2004. Already, you can download the ISO image of this...

Car DVR for Android Phone - Best Applications

Car DVR for Android Phone - Best Applications
Android smartphone can a lot - not only "ordinary" for phone things, but also some not the most obvious, for example, to work as a remote control for...

Top editors PDF.

Top editors PDF.
Files in PDF format are very popular for a variety of tasks, but their editing is non-trivial task. If you need a full-featured PDF editor that is capable...

How to disable keypads and input filtering in Windows 10

How to disable keypads and input filtering in Windows 10
If during the game on a computer or when performing other tasks in Windows 10, you also have a window that reports that suggests turning on the sticking...