Creating hotkeys of Windows 10 in the free HotKeyp program


Creating keyboard shortcuts in HotKeyp
For the purposes of setting up key combinations in Windows 10 and previous versions of systems, many free utilities are available. For example, Autohotkey offers a really extensive set of features, but it cannot be called simple for novice users. Other utilities are easier to use, but also the functionality is limited. In turn, HotKeyp simultaneously allows you to configure keyboard shortcuts for a variety of tasks, has a Russian interface language and relatively not difficult in part of those functions that may be required to most users.

In this review about the capabilities of the free HOTKEYP program to adjust the hot key Windows 10, which will allow you to run programs, manage system functions and perform other actions of the combinations you specify. On the similar topic: Windows 10 system hotkeys, it may also be interested in the ability to reassign hotkeys in Microsoft PowerToys.

Using HotKeyp to configure key combinations

The HotKeyp program is completely free, does not require installation and is available in the form of a ZIP archive (in three versions - for x64 systems, 32-bit and for old Windows OS), which is enough to download from the official page (link to download at the end of the review), unpack At a convenient location on the computer and run.

Main window HotKeyp.

After starting, to open hotkeyp (if the window does not open at once), click on the program icon in the Windows 10 notification area). In the utility, the Russian interface language must automatically turn on. If this happens, in the menu, select Window - Language and select the desired language. Further use for the basic goals of creating hot keys should not be difficult.

  1. In the main program window, click the Create button to create a new key combination.
  2. Next, it is enough to press the desired combination so that it is automatically determined and recorded in the New Hot Keys settings window. You can use any combinations from Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Win and the optional keys on the keyboard as keys, and if you wish, mice or gamepad. Careful with the appointment: I would not recommend creating combinations that are already involved in the system or the programs you use.
    Creating hotkeys in HotKeyp
  3. The next step is to set the command to start when using the key combination you specify: If you click on the button with three dots, you can select the program that you want to run from the available on the computer (and below set the startup parameters if necessary).
  4. When you click on the arrow button in the "Command" field, you can select system commands for your combination of keys: creating a screenshot, an active window to install the "always top" parameter for the current window, change the transparency, volume control and playback, shutdown, Hibernation, sleep mode and many others, including macros (they can be read about the program help file).
    System Actions in HotKeyp
  5. In the other fields, if you wish, you can set additional parameters: the sound that will be played when using a specified key combination, enable the program startup on the name of the administrator and others.
  6. The "Signature" item serves for a simple text description of the created key combination, which will be displayed in the main window HotKeyp.
  7. Upon completion of the settings, click OK - the specified combination will immediately start working and it will be possible to test it.
  8. When you close the program window, you will be given to save the hot key configuration to the file: In the future, this file will automatically boot when the program starts. But if you wish, you can create multiple files with a different set of combinations and download them if necessary in the File menu - "Open Hot Keys".

By default, the HOTKEYP program automatically adds itself to the Windows 10 autoload or another version of the system. If you want to change this behavior, as well as other options for the utility, go to the "Options" section.

HOTKEYP program settings

The spy.exe utility in the program folder does not serve not for spying, as can be assumed from the name, but to start tracking the WM_COMMAND system commands. You can run the utility in the File menu.

Capture commands wmcommand

The tracking actions can then be used to set commands performed using a key combination by setting the "window command", but with this functionality I could not understand - it is not clear, in which format to register the team, and the certificate did not help it.


Official page for download HotKeyp - Consider that some antiviruses (only 3 discovers on Virustotal, read how to check the files and computer to viruses online) detect a threat, but it is only connected with the fact that the program intercepts input from the keyboard for its work: the utility itself has an open source code and excellent Reputation for several years.

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