How to enable the dark topic of Windows 10 Explorer


Enable the dark topic of Windows 10 Explorer
Operating systems, browsers and other applications will enjoy a dark theme of design, among them and the standard Windows file manager. In this brief instruction on how to make a dark conductor in Windows 10, on the constraints of the built-in method, as well as some additional useful information.

It may also be interesting: the dark theme of Google Chrome (as well as how to disable the chrome dark theme with a dark topic of Windows 10), a dark topic of design in Word, Excel and other Microsoft Office programs.

Turning on the dark theme of registration in the conductor

First of all, one is an important nuance: a dark conductor is available only in Windows 10 version 1809 and 1903 (and, I suppose, will remain in newest). If you have the necessary version, you can start.

  1. Open the parameters (Win + I keys or in the Start menu).
  2. Go to Personalization - Colors.
  3. Scroll the list of colors' settings to the "Select Default Application Mode". Install the "dark".
    Enable Windows 10 Dark Mode
  4. Finish, immediately after that, most of the elements of Windows 10, as well as the conductor will acquire a dark topic of design, as in the screenshot below.
    Dark Windows 10 Explorer theme

Consider that the same setting may affect and third-party applications: for example, the latest versions of Google Chrome also include a dark theme when it is enabled in the Windows 10 parameters.

And at the end of several additional points relating to the dark mode in Windows 10:

  • At the moment there are no methods to change the parameters separately for different elements: for example, it is impossible to turn on the dark theme only for the conductor, and the rest is left light.
  • On the Internet you can find third-party topics for windows 10, including dark. However, I have not yet managed to find something that would look really good (see how to set the topics of Windows 10). A pair of examples of such decorations - on screenshots below.
    Custom Dark Winding Topics for Windows 10
  • Some programs for setting up the design of the system can interfere with the Dark theme of the Explorer and Windows also a dark theme may not be included when using high contrast design.
  • For using a dark theme of registration in Windows 10, the DWORD32 parameter is responsible for the appsureLightTheme name in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize registry (with value 0, a dark topic is used, when 1 is light).

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