Paid Office 2013 - is it necessary


Buy Office 2013.
Not so long ago, there was a new version of the popular Microsoft Office 2013 office package, which I wrote about. I also wrote about what Office 365 for the house was expanded (in fact, absolutely the same Office 2013; offline applications, despite the delusion of some that it only works in the cloud; with a license for five computers and monthly payment in the amount of 249 rubles) . It was told about how to download and install Office 2013 (a full-fledged version - professional plus, but for only two months) from the official site of Microsoft. Now about your own experience of using a paid office.

In the future, I will write a lot about free work with office documents without limiting LibreOffice and OpenOffice.

Why I decided to buy Office 2013

Initially, I used a two-month introductory version of Office 2013 Professional plus. The need for precisely in the latest version of the office was due to the need to write articles on its use for this site. As a result, everything that I wanted to write I did not write - I did not have time or lazy, the term of the key expired and the question arose about what to do next.

It was decided to purchase it in the Office 365 version for the home extended on the official website, after which it was installed on my computer and computer's computer. And can be installed on three more. For that, from my card, 249 rubles is removed every month - and so until I refuse to use it. By the way, I do not know what will happen in this case and whether the office program installed on the computer will stop, because they work well offline and I do not know whether any meter will be sewn in them.

Why didn't I install a hacked office? For different reasons. First of all, by estimating the different kind of "alternative costs", convenience, and other things, I decided that it would be more profitable for me in every sense to pay Microsoft's monthly MZD. At the same time, I absolutely do not like to create various liabilities in my life. In this case, I preferred to do it.

This software is used by me only for writing these articles (Word 2013) and receiving letters from a million of my electronic boxes (Outlook 2013). Wife, plus to this, makes educational presentations in English for children in PowerPoint 2013, exports them to video format (starting with PowerPoint 2010 such an opportunity is present), and places on YouTube. Those. nothing special.

Should I buy?

First of all, in this article I will not write about innovations, the new version of MS Office is better or worse in comparison with the previous ones - only about whether it makes sense to buy or paid a subscription to this office package. I will only say about the changes that 90% of users will notice only what the design has changed and how letters appear when set, the rest of the work will pass as before.

In general, thoroughly thinking about the question, I decided that the overwhelming majority of users who had ever called me to repair computers, buy Office 2013. But not because he is bad, no. And for a number of properties characteristic of a huge number of users:

  • Using the office times in a century when writing a course (here passive expenses are not justified and it is worth considering free options), i.e. No apparent need for this software.
  • Commitment to the idea that everything can be downloaded for free. Sometimes there is a feeling that some perceive the official offer to buy for a couple of thousand rubles on the developer's website as a deception, and the lack of the desired program on torrents is like universal injustice.
  • For the older generation - misunderstanding of the purchase process, because it is always when it was necessary to install something - Windows, Office, came the familiar "programmer" or had to call the masters. These comrades ("programmers") rarely establish something paid or will greatly complicate their lives, dealing with that you have already purchased Office 2013 and you just need to be installed with from. Site.
  • A significant number of people (this personal experience) generally consider Office and Windows a certain integral part of the computer, and what "buy" software does not fit in their head at all.

I do not want to say a bad thing about any of the users, I simply described the things typical for our country who make the purchase of Office 2013 in any form pretty disadvantageous, sometimes impracticable and meaningless action for many.

To whom I recommend buying Office 2013 (people corresponding to the two features immediately indicated below):

  • Those who are really needed, perhaps for several computers
  • Those who can install on their own without any help - no matter what kind of software is a hacked office from a torrent or (again purchased by a leamental copy of Office 2013.

Something like that. Sorry for a sorbal article about anything.

Bala Haholoanyane