Creating a bootable flash drive on Android


Creating a bootable flash drive on Android
In this manual on how to create a bootable flash drive or memory card (which, connecting to a computer using a card reader, can be used as a boot drive) directly on the Android device from the ISO image of Windows 10 (and other versions), Linux, images with Anti-virus utilities and tools, all this without root access. Such an opportunity will be useful if the only computer or laptop is not loaded and requires emergency measures to restore performance.

Many, if problems appear with a computer, forget that most of them have an almost full-fledged computer on Android. From here, sometimes disgruntled comments on articles on the topic: How I download the drivers on Wi-Fi, utility for cleaning from viruses or something else if I just decide the problem with the Internet on the computer. You easily download both USB transmit to a problem device if you have a smartphone. Moreover, Android can also be used to create a boot flash drive, which will begin. See also: non-standard ways to use android smartphone and tablet.

  • What you need to make the bootable USB flash drive on the phone
  • Creating a Windows bootable flash drive on Android
  • Video instruction: Windows 10 boot flash drive on Android phone

What will be required to create a boot flash drive or memory card on the phone

Before you start, I recommend to take care of the following moments:
  1. Charge your phone, especially if it's not too capacious battery. The process can last long and is sufficiently energy-price.
  2. Make sure you have a flash drive of the desired volume without important data (it will be formatted) and you can connect it to your smartphone (see how to connect a flash drive to Android). You can also use the memory card (data from it will also be deleted), provided that it is possible to connect it to a computer to download in the future.
  3. Load the desired image on your phone. For example, you can download the ISO image of Windows 10 or Linux directly from official sites. Most antivirus images are also created on the Linux basis and will work successfully. For Android, there are also full torrent customers that can be used to download.

In fact, it's all that will be needed to make the boot flash drive on the Android phone, you can start writing an ISO image to USB.

Note: When creating a boot flash drive with Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7, consider that it will be successfully downloaded only in UEFI mode (not Legacy). If an image of 7-ki is used, an EFI-boot must be present on it, and in the computer or laptop bios or laptop it will be necessary to set the appropriate loading parameters (if only LEGACY / CSM is enabled).

The process of writing a bootable ISO image to a USB flash drive on Android

In Play, several free applications are available, allowing you to unpack and write an ISO image to a USB flash drive or memory card:

  • ISO 2 USB is a simple free app running without root. The description does not have clear instructions on which images are supported. Reviews Speak about successful work with Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, I am in my experiment (about the more) recorded Windows 10 and booted from it in EFI mode (loading does not occur in Legacy). It seems that does not support recording on the memory card.
  • Etchdroid is another free app running without root, allowing you to record both ISO and DMG images. The description contains support for Linux database, on the application accepts Windows images.
    Boot flash drive on Android in etchdroid
  • Bootable SDCard - in a free and paid version, requires root. Of the features: Loading images of various Linux distributions directly in the application is available. Applicated support for Windows images.

As far as I can judge, the applications are very similar to each other and work almost the same. In your experiment, I used ISO 2 USB, the application can be downloaded from Play Market here:

Popular USB recording steps will be as follows:

  1. Connect the USB flash drive to the Android device, run the ISO 2 USB application.
    The main window of the ISO 2 USB application window
  2. In the application opposite Pick USB Pen Drive, click the "Pick" button and specify the USB flash drive. To do this, open the menu with the list of devices, click on the desired drive, and then click "Select".
    Select flash drive on Android
  3. In Pick ISO File, click the button and specify the path to the image of the ISO, which will be recorded on the drive. I used the original image of Windows 10 x64.
    Select ISO Image
  4. Leave the "Format USB Pen Drive" item (Format the Drive).
  5. Press the "START" button and wait for the creation of a bootable USB drive.
    The process of creating a bootable flash drive on Android

Some nuances with whom I encountered when creating a bootable flash drive in this application:

  • After the first press of "Start", the application hung on unpacking the first file. Subsequent pressing (without closing the application) launched the process, and it successfully passed to the end.
  • If you connect a drive recorded in ISO 2 USB to a Windows working system, it will report that it is not all right and suggested correcting it. Do not correct. On the flash drive, working and loading / installing with it is successful, just Android formats it "unusual" for Windows, although uses the supported FAT file system the same situation may occur when using other similar applications.

Windows 10 boot flash drive on Android - video instruction

That's all. The main goal of the material is not so much to consider ISO 2 USB or other applications that allow you to make a bootable flash drive on Android, how much attention to the very existence of such an opportunity: it is possible that one day it will benefit.

Bala Haholoanyane