Official operating system of North Korea

North Korea operating system
I'm SO Glad Dear Leader Created Linux So We Could Have This Distro.

In North Korea, its own operating system is used, built on the Linux base, in English sources called Red Star OS. The national operating system was developed in 2002 in the Korean computer center, before this, according to Wikipedia materials, localized Windows version was used in North Korea.

The Red Star OS operating system is built on KDE 3 and contains a recycled version of Mozilla Firefox, which allows you to view pages available in the Regional North Korean network (external Internet under the ban). Also in the operating system, various text editing software, audio and video playback, multiple simple computer games, antivirus, CD and DVD recording software, graphic editor and Windows emulator are also built into the operating system.

North Korean operating system Red Star OS

The Red Star OS operating system makes the following requirements for the "gland" of the computer:

  • Pentium 3 800 MHz processor
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • 3 GB on HDD

Installing Red Star OS

I do not know who may need it, but you can download the North Korean RED Star OS operating system and install it on your computer, for example, in a virtual machine.

Download torrent Red Star OS here is here on a popular tracker you know

The installation process is clearly shown in the video, so even if you are not a Korean expense, you should have.

I hope the article was someone interesting.
