Use CCleaner with benefit


How to use CCleaner
CCleaner is the most popular free computer for cleaning the computer, providing the user with a great feature set to remove unnecessary files and optimize computer performance. The program allows you to delete temporary files, make a secure cleaning of the browser cache and the registry keys, to complete the erase of files from the basket and much more, and in terms of combinations of efficiency and security for the ccleaner novice user - perhaps the leader among this kind of programs.

However, the experience shows that most novice users perform cleaning in automatic mode (or what could be worse - all the points are noted and clean everything that can be) and do not always know how to use CCleaner, what and why it cleans and what You can, but perhaps and better not clean. It is about this that will be discussed in this instruction for using a computer cleaning using CCleaner without harm to the system. See also: How to Clean the C disk from unnecessary files (additional ways, in addition to CCleaner), the best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage.

Note: Like most computer cleaning programs, CCleaner can lead to problems with Windows work or a computer loading and despite the fact that it does not happen, I can not guarantee any problems.

How to download and install CCleaner

Download CCleaner You can download free from the official site - select Download from Piriform in the "Free" column at the bottom if you need a free version (quite a functional version, fully compatible with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7).

The program installation does not represent difficulties (if the installation program opened in English, select the Russian language at the top right), but note that when there is no Google Chrome on the computer, it will be prompted to install it (you can remove the mark if you want to refuse).

Installing CCleaner in Russian

You can also change the settings of the installation by clicking "Configure" under the Set button.

In most cases, it is not required to change something in the installation parameters. Upon completion of the process, the CCleaner label will appear on the desktop and the program can be started.

How to use CCleaner to delete and what to leave on your computer

The standard path of using CCleaner for many users - click the "Analysis" button in the main program window, and then the "Cleaning" button and wait for the automatic cleaning of the computer from unnecessary data.

Main window CCleaner

By default, CCleaner removes a significant number of files and, if the computer has not been cleared for a long time, the size of the disk space can be impressed (the screenshot shows the program window after use on almost clean newly installed Windows 10, so not so much space is released).

Cleaning the disk in CCleaner is completed

The default cleaning parameters are safe (although there are nuances, and therefore before the first cleaning, I would still recommend creating a point of restoring the system), but about the effectiveness and benefit of some of them you can argue than I do.

Some of the items are really able to clear the space on the disk, but will not lead to acceleration, but to a decrease in computer performance, let's talk primarily about such parameters.

Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browser Cache

Let's start with the cleaning of the browser cache. Cash cleaning options, sites visited, the list of entered addresses and sessions data are included by default for all browser-based on the computer in the "Clearing" section on the Windows tab (for embedded browsers) and the Application tab (for third-party browsers, and browsers based on the basis Chromium, for example, Yandex Browser, will be displayed as Google Chrome).

Cleaning applications in CCleaner

Is that what we perform cleaning these elements? If you are the usual home user - most often not very:

  • The browser cache is the various items of the websites visited on the Internet, which are used by browsers when you are re-visiting them to speed up page download. Cleaning the browser cache, though deletes temporary files from the hard disk, having freeing a small amount of space, it can cause a slow-down page load that you often visit (without cleaning the cache, they would be loaded into the share or units of seconds, with cleaning - seconds and tens seconds ). However, cache cleaning can be advisable if some sites began to appear incorrectly and you need to correct the problem.
  • The session is another important item included by default when cleaning browsers in CCleaner. Under it implies an open session with some site. If you clear sessions (also on it can affect cookies that will be written separately further in the article), then the next time you enter the site where you have already performed the input, it will have to reinstate it.

The last item, as well as a set of such items as a list of addresses entered, history (visited file log) and download history may make sense to clean if you want to get rid of traces and hide something, but if there is no such purpose - no cleaning will simply reduce ease of use browsers and speed of their work.

Cache sketches and other elements of cleaning Windows Explorer

Another point cleaned by CCleaner by default, but leading to a slower folder opening in Windows and not only - "Cash sketches" in the "Windows Explorer" section.

After cleaning the sketch cache, when you re-open a folder containing, for example, images or videos, all thumbnails will be proceeded that it does not always favorably affect performance. At the same time, additional read-write operations are executed (not useful for the disk).

The remaining items in the "Windows Explorer" section may make sense to clean only if you want to hide the recent documents and commands entered from someone outsider, they will almost not affect free space.

Temporary files

In the "System" section on the "Windows" tab, the default item is enabled to clear temporal files. Also, on the Applications tab in CCleaner, you can delete temporary files for various programs installed on the computer (marking this program).

Again, by default, the temporary data of these programs are deleted, which is not always necessary - as a rule, they take not so much space on the computer (except for cases of incorrect operation of programs or their frequent closure using the task manager) and, moreover, Some software (for example, in programs for working with graphics, in office applications) is convenient, for example, to have a list of the latest files with which the work was carried out - if you use something like that, and when cleaning CCleaner, these items disappear, just remove the checkboxes with relevant programs. See also: How to delete Windows 10 temporary files.

Cleaning registry in CCleaner

In the "Registry" menu item, CCleaner has the opportunity to find and correct the problems in the Windows 10, 8 and Windows registry. That the maintenance of the registry will speed up the computer or laptop, eliminate errors or affects Windows differently, many say, but as The rule, these many - or ordinary users who heard or read about it, or those who want to make money on ordinary users.

Cleaning registry in CCleaner

I would not recommend using this item. Cleaning the computer can accelerate the operation of the computer, the removal of unused programs, the registry cleaner itself is unlikely.

The Windows registry contains several hundred thousand key, the registry cleaner programs are removed several hundred and, moreover, can "clear" some of the specific programs necessary for the operation (for example, 1C) keys that will not match the templates available from CCleaner. Thus, the possible risk for an ordinary user is slightly higher than the real effect of action. It is noteworthy that when writing a article, the newly installed on clean Windows 10 CCleaner has identified as a problem "own" created registry key.

Anyway, if you still want to clear the registry, be sure to save the backup of the deleted partitions - this will be offered CCleaner (it makes sense to make the system recovery point). In case of any problems, the registry can be brought to the original state.

Note: More often than others, the question is, about what the "Clearing Free Cleaning" is responsible in the "Other" section on the Windows tab. This item allows you to "sweat" free space on the disk so that deleted files cannot be restored. For an ordinary user, it is usually not needed and will be spending time and disk operation.

Section "Service" in CCleaner

One of the most valuable sections in CCleaner - "Service" containing many very useful in the skillful hands of the tools. Next, in order, all the tools contained in it are considered, with the exception of the system recovery (it is not noteworthy and allows you to remove the system recovery points created by Windows.

Management of installed programs

Removing programs in CCleaner

In the "Delete Programs" item, the CCleaner service menu you can not only delete programs that can be done in the appropriate section of the Windows control panels (or in the parameters - applications in Windows 10) or with the help of special uninstallator programs, but also:

  1. Rename the installed programs - changes exactly the program name in the list, changes will be displayed in the control panel. This can be useful, considering that some programs may have nephorant names, as well as to sort the list (sorting occurs according to the alphabet)
  2. Save the list of installed programs in a text file - it can be useful if you wanted, for example, install Windows again, but after reinstalling, you plan to install all the same programs from the list.
  3. Delete embedded Windows 10 applications.

As for the removal of programs, it is all similar to the installed applications built into Windows. First of all, if you want to speed up the work of the computer, I would recommend to delete all Yandex Bar, Amigo, Mail Guard, Ask and Bing Toolbar - All that was established secretive (or not very advertising this) and not need to anyone other than manufacturers of these programs . Unfortunately, the removal of such things as mentioned Amigo is not the simplest and here you can write a separate article (wrote: how to remove the amigo from the computer).

Windows startup cleaning

Programs in autoload are one of the most frequent causes of slow start, and then the same operation of Windows OS from novice users.

Windows startup management

In subparagraph "Auto load" of the "Service" section, you can disable and enable programs that start automatically when Windows startups, including tasks in the task scheduler (ADWARE is often prescribed). In the list of automatically started programs, select the program you want to disable and click "Turn off", you can simultaneously disable tasks in the scheduler.

From my own experience I can say that the most common unnecessary programs in autorun are numerous telephone synchronization services (Samsung Kies, Apple iTunes and Bonjour) and various software installed with printers, scanners and webcams. As a rule, the first are used extremely rarely and the automatic load is not needed, and the second are not used in general - print, scanning and video in Skype work at the expense of drivers and not different program "trash" distributed by manufacturers "in the load". More on the topic of disabling programs in the startup and not only in the instructions what to do if the computer slows down.

Additions of browsers

Additions or browser expansion is a convenient and useful thing if it is responsible for them: download from official extensions stores, delete unused, know what and what is installed and what is required by this expansion.

At the same time, the expansion or additions of browsers is the most common reason that the browser slows down, as well as the reason for the appearance of incomprehensible advertising, pop-up windows, substitution of search results and similar things (i.e., many extensions are adware).

In the "Service" section - "Supplements of CCleaner browsers" you can disable or remove unnecessary extensions. I recommend to delete (or at least turn off) all those extensions about which you do not know why they are needed, as well as those that do not use. This will definitely not hurt, and with a high probability will benefit.

More on how to remove adware in the scheduler of tasks and extensions in browsers in the article How to get rid of advertising in the browser.

Disc analysis

The "Disk Analysis" tool in CCleaner allows you to quickly get a simple report on what is occupied by space on the disk, sorting data to file types and their extensions. If you wish, you can delete unnecessary files directly in the disk analysis window - marking them by pressing the right mouse button and selecting "Delete selected files" item.

Analysis of the contents of the disks in CCleaner

The tool is useful, but for the purpose of analyzing a busy place on disks there are more powerful free utilities, see how to find out what is occupied on the disk.

Search doubles

Another excellent, but rarely used by users the function - search for duplicate files. It often happens that a significant number of disk space is busy with such files.

The tool is certainly useful, but I recommend to be careful - some Windows system files must be located in different places on the disk and removing in one of the locations can damage the normal operation of the system.

There are also more advanced tools for searching the doubles - free programs for searching and removing duplicate files.

Erasing disc

Many know that when deleting files in Windows, deleting in the full sense of the word does not occur - the file is simply marked by the system as a remote. Various data recovery programs (see the best free data recovery programs), can successfully restore them, provided that they were not overwritten by the system again.

Disk erasure in CCleaner

CCleaner allows you to erase from the disks the information contained in these files. To do this, select "Erase Disc" in the "SERVICE" menu, specify "only free space", the method is simple overwriting (1 pass) - in most cases it is enough enough so that no one can restore your files. Other rewriting methods are more affected by the wear of the hard disk and may be needed, perhaps only if you are afraid of special services.

CCleaner settings

And the last in CCleaner is a rarely visited section "Settings", which contains some useful options to which it makes sense to pay attention. Items available only in Pro version I consciously miss the review.


CCleaner settings

At the very first settings item from interesting parameters, you can note:

  • Perform cleaning when you start a computer - I do not recommend installing. Cleaning is not what you need to perform daily and automatically, better - manually and if necessary.
  • Mark "Automatically check CCleaner updates" - perhaps it makes sense to remove to avoid regular startup task on your computer (unnecessary resources to what can be done manually when you need).
  • Cleaning Mode - You can enable full erasing for the files deleted when cleaning files. For most users will not be useful.


By default, CCleaner deletes all cookies, however, it does not always lead to an increase in the security and anonymity of the Internet and, in some cases, it will be appropriate to leave some of the cookies on your computer. In order to configure what will be cleaned, and what is left, select "Cookies" in the "Settings" menu.

All addresses of sites will be displayed on the left, for which cookie files are saved on the computer. By default, they will all be cleaned. Right-click on this list and select the Optimal Analysis Context menu item. As a result, the list on the right will include cookies that Cclener "considers important" and will not delete - cookie for popular and well-known sites. You can add additional sites to this list. For example, if you do not want to re-enter the password when you visit the VC after cleaning in CCleaner, find the site in the list on the left and by pressing the appropriate arrow, move it to the right list. Similarly, for all other frequently visited sites requiring authorization.

Enable (delete specific files)

Another interesting opportunity is CCleaner - deleting certain files or clean the folder you need.

In order to add files to be cleaned in the "Enable" point, specify which files you need to wash when cleaning the system. For example, you need CCleaner to completely delete all files from the SECRET folder on the C: disk. In this case, click "Add" and specify the desired folder.

After the paths were added to delete, go to the "Cleaning" item and on the Windows tab in the Other section, put a check mark on the other files and folders. Now, when performing CCleaner cleaning, the secret files will be permanently removed.


Similarly, you can specify folders and files that do not need to be deleted when cleaning in CCleaner. Add those files to the deletion of which is undesirable to work programs, Windows or personally for you.


By default, the CCleaner Free includes "tracking" and "active monitoring", to alerts about when cleaning is required. In my opinion, these are the options that can be even better to disable: the program works in the background only in order to report that a hundred megabytes of data that can be cleaned is accumulated.

Disable CCleaner monitoring

As I noted above - such regular cleanings are not needed, and if suddenly the release of several hundred megabytes (and even a gigabyte pair) on the disk is critical for you, then with a high probability you either allocated a place under the system section of the hard disk, or it is scored -What is different from what CCleaner can clean.

Additional Information

And some additional information that can be useful in the context of using CCleaner and clean the computer or laptop from unnecessary files.

Creating a shortcut for automatic cleaning system

In order to create a shortcut, on the start of which CCleaner will clean the system in accordance with the previously set settings, without the need to work with the program itself, right-click on the desktop or in the folder where you need to create a shortcut and request "Specify the location Object ", enter:

"C: \ Program Files \ CCleaner \ Ccleaner.exe" / Auto

(Provided that the program is located on the C disk in the Program Files folder). You can also set hot keys to start cleaning the system.

As it was already noted above, if hundreds of megabytes are critical for you on the system section of a hard disk or SSD (and this is not a tablet with a disk on 32 GB), then you may simply incorrectly come to the sizes of sections when we divided it. In modern realities, I would recommend that you have at least 20 GB on the system disk and there may be a useful instruction how to increase the disk C due to disk D.

If you just start cleaning every day, "so that there is no garbage", since the awareness of its presence deprives calm - I can only say that hypothetical unnecessary files are harmful with this approach than the lost time, the rigid disk or SSD resource (after all Most of these files are recorded again on it) and reduce the speed and convenience of working with the system in some cases mentioned earlier.

On this article, I think enough. I hope someone will be able to benefit for themselves and start using this program with greater efficiency. I remind you to download free CCleaner on the official website, third-party sources are better not to use.

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