How to disable delay before starting programs in autoload when entering Windows 10


How to disable delay when starting programs startup in Windows 10
When you start a computer or laptop with Windows 10, the program in the startup is not started immediately after logging into the system, and after a while - about 10 seconds. This pause is provided for all system services to boot. However, if you wish, you can disable this delay: sometimes it is capable of speeding up Windows 10, especially if SSD is used. But theoretically, it can also lead to problems - some elements of autoloads may not start if the required services do not yet work.

In this simple instruction on how to disable the delay to start the service when entering Windows 10 by changing the appropriate registry key.

Disable delay when booting Windows 10

Just in case, repeat: the result of the change is not always positive and, if you encounter some problems, simply cancel the changes made in the registry, you can also create a system for recovering the system.

Steps To disable the delay when loading will be as follows:

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the REGEDIT and press ENTER.
  2. Go to RegistryhKey_Local_machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Explorer \ Serialize
  3. If subsection Serialize No, click on the Explorer right-click section, select the Create Context menu item and set the desired name.
  4. Choosing a section Serialize. , Right-click on the right pane of the registry editor, select "Create" - "DWORD 32 bit parameter" (even for x64 systems) and set the name of the parameter Startupdelayinmsec.
  5. Leave the value of this parameter to equal 0 , Close the registry editor and restart the computer.
    Disable delay when running Windows 10 in the registry

After rebooting, the launch of the programs will be executed immediately when you log in to Windows 10 without waiting for the start of the services. In the event that the result is not the one that was expected, it will be enough to delete the created section in the registry. Also, after download, you can check if there were no errors when starting programs from startup in "Viewing Events": Win + R.eventvwr.msc. - Windows logs - app.

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