Another user when entering Windows 10 - how to fix


How to fix another user when entering Windows 10
Some users when entering Windows 10 encounter that the "Other user" (or Other User) is displayed on the greeting window and the offer to enter a username and password, and the login does not occur. Most often, the problem appears after the Windows 10 reset to its original state or after the first turn on the new laptop or PC.

In this instruction detailed how to correct the situation and why another user can be shown on the login screen in Windows 10.

Why the other user is displayed on the input screen and what to do in this situation

Another user on the login screen

The Official Microsoft website on this page reports the problem of the following information: Another user on the login screen can be called by the failure when starting the DWM.exe system process or it starts earlier than the system has been translated into the WinLogon state (login).

As a solution on the official website, the following method is proposed:

  1. On the lock screen, press and hold the SHIFT key.
  2. Hold down the key, click the power button in the lower right corner and select "Reboot".

The method is slightly strange, since the following steps on the official site are not specified, and after such actions you will be taken to Windows 10 Recovery Wednesday. However, you can try the third one after the specified two steps: click "Continue. Output and use of Windows 10 ", the following launch will correctly fix the problem.

Windows 10 recovery screen

Additional action offered by Microsoft is to de-energize a computer or laptop long retention button (indicate 30 seconds), and then turn it on again. This option can really make sense to try.

From myself add extra possible actions:

  1. Try simply enter the faithful login and password (it is the password, not a PIN code). At the same time, consider: if you use the Microsoft account, you should specify the corresponding e-mail address as a login. If the input failed, pay attention to what the error will be reported to you, it can help figure out what exactly the case.
  2. If the problem appeared not after resetting the system to the factory status, and after some other actions, then hitting the recovery environment as described above, try using the system recovery points (Troubleshooting - additional parameters - system recovery).
  3. Sometimes the input is triggered in safe mode, after which the problem is solved. To enter the safe mode: Holding SHIFT, press "Restart", go to "Pisk and Troubleshooting" - "Additional Parameters" - "Download Options" and press the Restart button. After that, press 5 or F5 (enable secure mode with the download of network drivers). Read more: Secure Windows 10 mode.
  4. You can try to go to the recovery environment, the "Troubleshooting" item - "Advanced Settings" - "Command Line" (if a password for the user "Administrator" is requested, do not enter anything, just press ENTER), create a new user at the command prompt And give him administrator rights (how to create a Windows 10 user, including on the command line), and after rebooting, try to choose (if possible) of this user on the input screen and enter it. If there is no user selection capabilities, then when entering in safe mode, as in the previous paragraph, this may appear.

In case the input when entering the right login and password occurs without any problems, but with each download you again see the "other user", entering the system to start the registry editor (Win + R - Regedit), go to the section

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Policies \ System
Enable username display in the registry editor

If the parameter is present in this section DontDisplayUserName. and its value is 1, double click on it and assign a value of 0. Similar to the parameter dontdisplaylastusername. . After that, close the registry editor and restart the computer.

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