How to change photo format on jpg on iPhone


How to enable photos in jpg on iphone
All the latest iPhone by default remove the photo in HEIC format, and not more familiar JPG, which is not always convenient: Not everywhere this format can be viewed, but in some cases it is not even for free (see how to open a photo Heic in Windows 10) . Of course, you can continue to use Heic - photos in this format take up less space with the same quality, but if you wish, you can make the iPhone always filmed a photo in JPG.

In this short instruction detailed how to change the photo shooting format on JPG on your iPhone, as well as some additional nuances that can be in the context of photo formats on this phone. It can also be useful: how to throw a photo from the iPhone to a computer via cable and Wi-Fi.

How to enable photo shooting in JPG by default on the iPhone

In order for the iPhone camera always removed the photo in JPG format, do the following steps:

  1. Open the "Settings" and select "Camera".
    Open the iPhone camera settings
  2. Click on "Formats".
    Iphone format settings
  3. Select the item "Most compatible".
    Enable Saving a photo in JPG on the iPhone

On this, everything: you did so that all photos will be JPG, and video - MP4 (with H.264 codec) and you can open almost on any device. Please note that after switching this parameter, it will be impossible to record video in 4K 60 FPS format, as well as Full HD 240 FPS.

An additional nuance, which is worth noting: If you are in the same way, you will enter the iPhone application to the "Photo" application, in the "Mac or PC" section, you can set two options to "transfer originals" or "automatically".

If you select "Automatically" if the operating system on which you transfer files does not support the photo HEIC, they will be converted to the JPG by the phone itself (however, I did not always work).

By the way, when you share the photo from the iPhone through the messenger or mail, as a rule, the conversion also occurs automatically.

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