How to speed up the laptop


How to speed up the laptop
If your laptop works more slowly than I would like, this may be caused by the most different reasons that are generally reduced to hardware and software. Depending on the specific scenario, it can sometimes be able to speed up the work of the laptop and make it work more responsive, launching programs faster, and FPS in games slightly higher.

In this instruction, how methods can be resorted to increase the speed of the laptop in various situations: for an old and new laptop, with different operating systems and characteristics.

Hardware components affecting the speed of work

First, let's talk about hardware components that can affect the speed of the laptop, here in the first place can be attributed:
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • HDD
  • Cooling system

We cannot influence the first item for most modern laptops in any way, but the rest should be paid attention to, both in the case of an old laptop and recently purchased.


In general, the larger memory (RAM) - the better. To work with modern Windows versions and programs, not less than 8 GB of RAM operating in two-channel mode. There is an opportunity to install 16 - even better.

RAM for installation on a laptop

Unfortunately, not all laptops support the possibility of increasing the number of RAM (some cheap models do not provide such an opportunity). However, if for your device it is possible, and the current volume is 2-4 GB, such an upgrade will be useful. In detail on the topic: how to increase the laptop RAM.


One of the weaknesses of most laptops is a hard disk. Not only is the HDD as a whole slower than current SSD solid-state drives today, on laptops, as a rule, set even slower hard drives than applied to a PC (for example, you can pay attention to such a characteristic as a moment of RPM, on most HDD In laptops - 5400, on disks for PCs - 7200).

SSD M.2 slot on laptop

If a hard disk is installed on your laptop, installing instead (or in addition to it, as a system - some laptops allow this) SSD solid-state disk you immediately feel the increase in speed. For new laptops with Windows 10, this is especially true, but also on older devices, the increase is also noticeable (another thing is that from an economic point of view, the upgrade may not be quite appropriate).

Cooling system

If the cooling system of your laptop is always running "to the maximum" and, moreover, sometimes under load (for example, in games), it shuts down - it's not something that should be ignored: the heating effect directly on the speed (the system will slow down the processor) and the durability of the notebook itself, or rather its electronic components.

What should I do here? Clean the notebook from dust, and if he has 2-3 years and easy cleaning of dust does not solve the problem - possibly replace thermal paste on the CPU and GPU. Not ready to advise every user to do it yourself (if you are not sure - it is better to turn to someone), but in general, it is not difficult, online instruction often reasonable than not (but this happens). Is there such a guide and I - How to clean a laptop from dust - a way for non-professionals.

In general, when a laptop serviceable hardware components that are listed above - it's all what we can to influence to increase the speed. Yes, this involves costs, but sometimes it makes sense.

Software problems and nuances, slowing down the computer

Now for the software part: the choice of operating system, the relevance and compatibility of your drivers and your installed programs (especially in the startup) directly affect the laptop's speed. And that's not all the factors here you can carry malware-filled system partition on the hard disk and other nuances.

It affects just the age of the laptop: Some users expect their 5-7 year-old laptop to be as nimble as when buying. For most models, it is not, and it's not that he becomes slower, and that the software every year "voracious".

About various program factors that affect the speed of the computers (and laptops, of course, too), I wrote in the materials:

  • How To Speed ​​Up Windows 10
  • Computer slows down - what to do?
  • How to speed up your computer (Older articles may need to be updated).

In general, everything is important in these instructions are listed. For a very "old" laptop, if you wish, you can install instead of Windows Linux or even Android lungs assembly (see How to Install Android on a PC or laptop.) - less demanding system will run faster, but on the part of the usual programs, you may have to give up .

At the end add: sometimes I have seen not the performance of a notebook on which users install a couple, or even five programs "for cleaning" and "to accelerate", constantly working in the background automatically. Usually, this is the case, that the absence of these programs running at its discretion, accelerate the work to a greater extent than their presence.

Have something to add to the list? I will be glad to your comment.

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