Tusitusiga #971

Sese 0xc1900101 faamalama 10

Sese 0xc1900101 faamalama 10
I totonu o le masani masani a pe a faʻapipiʻiina Windows 10 Vaega Faʻafou - Sese 0xc1900101 ma le tele o tulafono ma le le lelei o loʻo iai o le saogalemu...

Faʻafefea ona fai se laptop galuega ma e le tape pe a tapunia le ufiufi i le faʻamalama 10

Faʻafefea ona fai se laptop galuega ma e le tape pe a tapunia le ufiufi i le faʻamalama 10
Afai e te faʻaogaina le mataituina lona lua, TV pe mo nisi mafuaʻaga e manaʻomia ai o le komepiuta ma Windows 10 e le tape pe a tapunia le laptop.I...

Sese 0xc00000e9 pe a Booting pe faʻapipiʻiina Windows 10, 8.1 ma faamalama 7

Sese 0xc00000e9 pe a Booting pe faʻapipiʻiina Windows 10, 8.1 ma faamalama 7
Sese 0xc00000E9 "O se mea e leʻi mafaufauina o aʻu / o mea sese na tupu" (o nisi taimi ma se faila e faʻaalia ai, \ boot \ borly faʻafitauli o le a...

Faʻafefea ona fesiitai Bluetooth faila mai lau telefoni i komepiuta

Faʻafefea ona fesiitai Bluetooth faila mai lau telefoni i komepiuta
Afai e te manaʻo e lafo faila (ata, vitio ma isi) e ala i le Bluetooth mai lau Android telefoni i luga o le komepiuta poʻo le komepiuta a le BLUETOthI...

E le mafai e Windows ona maua le masini faʻapitoa, ala poʻo le faila - Faʻafefea ona faʻasaʻo?

E le mafai e Windows ona maua le masini faʻapitoa, ala poʻo le faila - Faʻafefea ona faʻasaʻo?
O nisi taimi, pe a e amataina polokalame (.Exe faila), e mafai ona e maua se mea sese "Windows e le mafai ona ulufale i le masini faʻapitoa, ala poʻo...

How to speed up the laptop

How to speed up the laptop
If your laptop works more slowly than I would like, this may be caused by the most different reasons that are generally reduced to hardware and software....

How to encrypt files and folders using EFS in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to encrypt files and folders using EFS in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
Many people know about such a built-in disk encryption and flash drives in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 as BitLocker available in the professional...

Error 0xc000021A in Windows 10 - how to fix

Error 0xc000021A in Windows 10 - how to fix
One of the common errors in Windows 10 is a blue screen "There is a problem on your PC, and it must be restarted" with a stop code of 0xc000021a. An...

What kind of nvdisplay.container.exe process and why it loads the processor

What kind of nvdisplay.container.exe process and why it loads the processor
The owners of the NVIDIA GeForce video cards can notice two instances of the NVDISPLAY.Container.exe process in the task manager, and after recent driver...

Windows 10 sandbox - how to enable, configure and use

Windows 10 sandbox - how to enable, configure and use
One of the most interesting innovations of the latest version of Windows 10 - Sandbox (Windows Sandbox), a special environment that allows you to run...

How to disable Windows 10 reserved storage

How to disable Windows 10 reserved storage
The latest version of Windows 10 has a new feature - a reserved storage, consuming 7 GB of space on the system disk partition that is not for everyone...

PortableBaseLayer - what is the disk in Windows 10

PortableBaseLayer - what is the disk in Windows 10
In Windows 10 of the last version, going into the "Disk Management" utility, as well as in diskpart or third-party disk partition management utilities,...