Windows 10 applications are not downloaded


Windows 10 store applications do not download
One of the relatively common problems of Windows 10 - errors when upgrading and downloading applications from the Windows store 10. Error codes can be different: 0x80072EFD, 0x80073CF9, 0x80072EE2, 0x803F7003 and others.

In this instruction - various ways to correct the situation when the Windows 10 store applications are not installed, not downloaded or not updated. First, more simple ways that do little affect the OS itself (and therefore safe), and then, if they do not help, more affecting system parameters and, in theory that can lead to additional errors, so be careful.

Before proceed: If suddenly the error when downloading Windows 10 applications, you started after installing some antivirus, then try to temporarily disable it and check if it solved the problem. If you disable the "spy functions" of Windows 10 before the appearance of problems using third-party programs, check that Microsoft servers are not prohibited in your HOSTS file (see Hosts Windows 10). By the way, if you still have not rebooted the computer, do it: perhaps the system needs to be updated, and after rebooting the store will earn again. And last: Check the date and time on the computer.

Resetting the Windows 10 store, exit an account

The first thing to try is to reset the Windows 10 store, as well as get out of your account in it and come back again.

  1. To do this, having previously closed the application store, type WSRESET in search and execute the command on behalf of the administrator (see Screenshot). The same can be done by pressing the Win + R keys and entering the WSRESET.
    Launch WSRESET in Windows 10
  2. After successfully completing the work of the command (the work looks like an open, sometimes a long time, the command line window), the Windows Application Store will automatically be launched.
  3. If applications have not started downloading after WSRESET, exit your account in the store (click on the account icon, select account, click on the button "Get out"). Close the store, run again and log in with your account.
    Exit the Windows 10 Store Account

In fact, the method is not so often working, but I recommend starting with him.

Troubleshooting Windows 10

Another simple and secure way to try - built-in tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting Windows 10.

  1. Go to the control panel (see how to open the control panel in Windows 10)
  2. Select "Search and Fix Problems" (If you have a "category") or "Troubleshooting" field (if "icons").
  3. On the left, click "View all categories".
    List of Windows 10 troubleshooting utilities
  4. Search and troubleshoot the Windows Update Center and Windows Application Center.
    Fix Windows 10 Store

After that, just in case, restart the computer and check again if applications are installed from the store now.

Resetting the center of updates

The following way should be started with disconnecting from the Internet. After disconnected, follow these steps:
  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator (through the right click menu on the "Start" button, after which you run the following commands in order.
  2. Net Stop Wuauserv
  3. Move C: \ Windows \ SoftWaredistribution C: \ Windows \ SoftWaredistribution.bak
  4. Net Start Wuauserv
  5. Close the command prompt and restart the computer.

Check if there are scales from the store after these actions.

Reinstalling Windows 10 Store

On how this is done I have already written in the instructions how to install the Windows 10 store after removal, more briefly (but also effectively) will give here.

Reinstalling Windows 10 Store

To begin with, run the command line on behalf of the administrator, then enter the command

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$ manifest.windowsstore) .InstallLocation + '\ AppXmanifest.xml'; Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $ manifest}"

Press ENTER, and upon completion of the execution of the command, close the command prompt and restart the computer.

At the moment, these are all the ways that I can offer to solve the problem described. If something new will appear, add to the manual.

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