Články #1010

How to remove the weather and news from the Windows 10 taskbar

How to remove the weather and news from the Windows 10 taskbar
One of the latest Windows 10 updates adds a button to the taskbar with the weather mapping, when you click on which or with a simple mouse pointing,...

Fingerprinting in Windows 10 - Setup, adding prints, problem solving

Fingerprinting in Windows 10 - Setup, adding prints, problem solving
Many modern laptops have a built-in fingerprint scanner, and Windows 10, in turn - built-in support for logging in the system. Usually, the initial...

How to remove Windows 10 memory dumps

How to remove Windows 10 memory dumps
By default, Windows 10 creates memory dumps and minidamps when system failures - BSOD blue screens. These files can be useful for diagnosing the problem,...

Cairo Desktop Environment - Alternative Windows 10 Desktop Shell

Cairo Desktop Environment - Alternative Windows 10 Desktop Shell
For Linux, various desktop shells are common, but in Windows with a choice of alternative interfaces, the situation is somewhat worse. Nevertheless,...

How to view a list of connected USB devices in Windows 10

How to view a list of connected USB devices in Windows 10
If you need to find out which devices are connected using USB in Windows 10 or previous versions of the system, device manager - not the most convenient...

Windows 11 - first glance at the new OS

Windows 11 - first glance at the new OS
If you follow the news, you certainly know that on June 24, 2021, Microsoft is going to present something "new" and this, apparently - Windows 11. Also,...

Fixdows - free program to correct Windows 10 update errors and not only

Fixdows - free program to correct Windows 10 update errors and not only
Once on the site published an article about free programs to correct Windows errors. Fixdows - Another such program designed to correct Windows 10 update...

How to find big files in windows 10

How to find big files in windows 10
Embling on that it is on the disk that takes the greatest number of space, you may want to find only big files. One way to do this is to use third-party...

Presentation of Windows 11 - What was shown on June 24 2021

Presentation of Windows 11 - What was shown on June 24 2021
Today, the Microsoft presentation was held, on which the new Windows 11 was presented. Like all such events, the presentation for the most part consisted...

Error Exception Access Violation - how to fix

Error Exception Access Violation - how to fix
When you start the game or program, and sometimes during you working with them, you may encounter an EXCEPTION Access Violation error, an unhandled...

Does the computer compatible with Windows 11 - Programs for Checking

Does the computer compatible with Windows 11 - Programs for Checking
On the day of the presentation of Windows 11, Microsoft has released a utility to verify the compatibility of the future operating system with a computer...

How to enable TPM on a laptop or computer

How to enable TPM on a laptop or computer
After the announcement of Windows 11 among the most frequent user questions, there was a new one: how to enable TPM 2.0 on the computer and find out...