connection to the site is not fully protected - what it is and how to fix


connection to the site is not fully protected
When you open any site on the Internet using Google Chrome or other browsers based on the Chromium, the left of the address, you may notice a gray inscription "not protected", when clicked, additional information becomes available, "the site connection is not fully protected," and looking even more dangerous inscription "Attackers can see the images that are visible to you, and to change them for the purpose of fraud."

These instructions detail the reasons on which may appear the inscription "to the site connection is not fully protected," when you should pay attention to this and take any action to correct the error, and when you can continue to use the site as usual. Similar, but more serious problems (and the words "not protected" in this case will be red) are described in the instructions Connection is not secured in Google Chrome, You can not establish a secure connection to the Yandex Browser.

  • Reason for Message Connecting to the site is not fully protected
  • Ways to fix the problem when it is needed
  • Video instruction

The reason for the message "Connect to the site is not fully protected"

Chrome message that the connection to the site is not fully protected

When you open the most modern sites connect to them made by secure encrypted https protocol, for example, if Google Chrome by clicking the mouse in the address bar with the address of my website, you will see the full URL like - at the beginning we see an indication on the protocol.

At the same time, when you open a page on the site is loaded not only the text of a page, but additional resources - images, videos, scripts and CSS files, advertising. That from the point of view page has a secure browser, they must also be loaded using https protocol.

If at least one loaded element is loaded with not a secure protocol http, you get gray inscription "not protected" with an explanation that the connection to the site is not secure - is "not completely" just tells us that, that some elements of the site have been downloaded without using encryption https.

Now the points where it can cause anxiety and worry when, in general, there is nothing:

  • If the message "Connection to the Site is not fully protected" appears on a single site on which you do not enter any data, do not register, do not download files, but simply read - you can not worry, for you, it is generally safe for you, and the reason Most likely, in the layout of the site creator (use of the mixed content of HTTPS and HTTP) which it is likely to correct. It can also indicate the use of the old version of TLS0 or 1.1 on the site - you, as a user if you do not enter any data, should not worry.
  • If such a message appears on a site where you are registered and plan to enter something, but it appears once, and, for example, after updating the page disappears, the reason can be advertising on the site (occasionally it is loaded through an unprotected protocol, site owner It can not affect it). In general, it is not worth worrying either, but it makes sense to enter any data only in those moments when reports on incomplete security of the site does not appear.
  • In the case when "connecting to a site is not fully protected" is displayed constantly on some site representing "special importance" - online bank, public services, an important profile on the social network, it is better to refrain from entering any data and authorization. The reasons can be both temporary work on the site and some problems on the side of such a service. In some cases - and problems on your part, as described in the next paragraph.
  • "The connection to the site is not fully protected." When you open almost any sites, you should alert you very much and make you stop entering your input data and any others until you figure it out and do not remove the problem.

Elimination of the problem if it appears on all or many critical sites

Next - a list of possible reasons and actions that can be taken if in your case the message "Connect to the Site is not fully protected" appears or when you open almost any sites or many important sites where confidential information is required.
  1. Some browser expansions changing the contents of the websites, including useful, such as advertising blockers or are intended for downloading something. I recommend to try to disable everything without excluding the extension in the browser (in Google Chrome it is done in the menu - additional tools - extensions), try to open sites. If the inscription disappeared, one by one turn on the extension until I detect the one that calls the "Connection to the Site is not completely protected". And, even despite his favor, we get rid of (usually you can always find a safe alternative).
  2. Any means capable of changing the nature of traffic - proxy, VPN, some advertising blocking tools that do not work as an extension in the browser, rarely - antivirus web protection tools. If something from the specified is used, we try to disconnect and monitor changes.
  3. Just in case, check the HOSTS file on the computer so that there are no redirects for sites that report the problem. There will also be reasonable to check the system for other threats. One of the effective ways to do is adwcleaner.
  4. It is also theoretically the emergence of the situation under consideration when using "other people's" networks - free Wi-Fi, corporate network and the like. In such a situation, it is better to refrain from the use of important personal online services and authorization on them through such a network.
  5. There is an unlikely opportunity that the problem is from your router or provider. You can exclude this item like this: check if the problem appears if you distribute the Internet from the smartphone and connect through it. If in this case there are no messages about the incomplete security of the site, then something with your basic Internet connection.


As a rule, something from the listed allows you to identify the problem and solve it. If your situation is different, and the actions do not help, describe in detail, what exactly and under what conditions it happens, maybe it will be possible to prompt the solution.

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