Pages do not open, it is impossible to come into contact and classmates


Contact and classmates do not open
On this site there are three, in general, the same type of article, the subject of which is indicated in the title above.

  • Pages in browsers do not open
  • I can not come into contact and classmates

In most cases, the reason that some (or all at once) The site does not open - errors in the HOSTS file or some other network parameters caused by malicious or not very software. Whatever it was - Comments on all three articles suggest that I didn't write about such a tool as AVZ, which will independently return the Hosts file to the original state, will clean the static routes and perform other actions that in most cases it will be enough to In order for the pages of favorite social networks again began to open.

Update: If you have Windows 10, try the way to reset the Windows 10 network settings.

Restoration of the system using AVZ anti-virus utility

You can download the latest version of AVZ here. I note in advance, the use of this utility is much wider than described in this article. It also addresses only the correction of network settings, due to incorrectness or malicious intervention in which, you do not open classmates, contact and other pages in browsers.

The main window of the antivirus utility AVZ

The main window of the antivirus utility AVZ

After you upload the AVZ utility, run it on behalf of the administrator. In the main menu, select File - "System Restore". Just in case, I note, under the restoration of the system, it means not the same thing that in the standard Windows tools - it is only about resetting important settings to the default operating system.

What to note when sites do not open

What to note when sites do not open

You will see the "Restore System Settings" window. Put all the ticks, as in the picture and click the "Run Operations" button. After the program reports that everything was completed, close it, restart the computer and try to open a problem page again. Most likely, it will open. Even if not, then you, in any case, save time on starting a notebook to edit hosts, enter commands in the console for cleaning static routes and other actions.

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