Articole #975

How to restore Google Chrome bookmarks

How to restore Google Chrome bookmarks
In case you have deleted the bookmarks you need in Google Chrome in one way or another, in some cases, with a successful circumstance, their restoration...

How to delete WindowsApps folder in Windows 10

How to delete WindowsApps folder in Windows 10
The WindowsApps folder is a standard Windows 10 folder in which applications from the store (UWP applications) are stored. By default, it is present...

Focusing - how to disable constant notifications in Windows 10

Focusing - how to disable constant notifications in Windows 10
Focusing in Windows 10 can be a useful feature when the user decided to use it by it, however, the last version of the default OS constantly displays...

Stop 0x00000050 page_fault_in_nonpaged_area.

Stop 0x00000050 page_fault_in_nonpaged_area.
One of the common cases of the blue death screen (BSOD) is STOP 0x00000050 and an error message Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area appears in all topical versions...

Flash Player support will be discontinued How to Disable Notification

Flash Player support will be discontinued How to Disable Notification
The Google Chrome browser, starting with version 76, at startup, always shows notice with the text "Flash Player support will be discontinued in December...

How to remove Kaspersky if you forgot the password

How to remove Kaspersky if you forgot the password
Kaspersky Anti-Virus among other settings has the password protection option: After installing the password, the parameters change is not available,...

How to find out how much RAM on the computer

How to find out how much RAM on the computer
If you needed to find out how many RAM (RAM) is installed on your computer or laptop, as well as obtain additional information about it: the current...

How to enable or disable the autofill chrome

How to enable or disable the autofill chrome
By default, the Google Chrome browser includes the functions of saving and autofill various data: passwords, addresses, names and telephones, credit...

No connection to the Internet err_proxy_connection_failed - how to fix

No connection to the Internet err_proxy_connection_failed - how to fix
Sometimes when you open the sites in Google Chrome, you may encounter an error with the err_proxy_connection_failed code and the message "No Internet...

How to split screen on android

How to split screen on android
The latest Android versions allow you to work in the split screen mode and place different applications in different parts, which can be convenient...

How to enable F8 to log in to secure Windows 10 mode

How to enable F8 to log in to secure Windows 10 mode
By default, in Windows 10, the F8 key does not work for logging into a safe mode (but there are many other ways to start secure Windows 10 mode). However,...

You do not have permission to save files in this place - how to fix

You do not have permission to save files in this place - how to fix
Sometimes when saving any files in the browser, editors and other programs in Windows 10, after specifying the location of the files, you can get an...