How to remove an instagram account from the phone forever


How to completely remove an instagram account from the phone
If for one reason or another you needed to delete Instagram account forever (close the account), you can do it from your phone, and even if the application is not installed - just through the browser. The only mandatory requirement - you must remember or be able to restore the data to enter Instagram.

This manual details how to remove the Instagram account forever from your phone, if you are no longer required, as well as video instruction, where the entire process is shown graphically. Also, in the context of the manual, it may be useful: how to delete a Facebook account from the phone how to restore Instagram account.

  • How to completely remove an instagram account from the phone
  • Video Removal Instructions

Removing an Instagram account from the phone through an application or browser

As noted, go to the desired parameters to remove an account in Instagram, you can both through the application and through the browser, then both options are considered at once. In the case of the application, start from the first step, if you are going to remove via the browser - start from the 3rd step:

  1. In the application, click the profile icon (bottom right), then on the menu button on the right above. In the menu that opens, click on "Settings".
    Open Instagram Application Settings
  2. In the settings, select "Help" - "Reference Center". In the browser, the site will open the site of the Instagram Reference Center, go to step 5.
    Open Help Center in Instagram Appendix
  3. In any browser on the phone in the address line, enter and log in under your account you plan to delete (may not be required if you have earlier).
  4. You will find yourself on the page of your profile in the browser. Click on the left button on the left at the top, and then open the "Reference Center" item.
    Open Help Instagram in the browser
  5. In the help center (if necessary, switch the interface into Russian at the bottom of the page) Go to the "Account Management" section - "Account Delete" section.
    Manage account Instagram
  6. On the next page, if you want to delete an instagram account completely, and not temporarily, click "How to delete your account", and then in the first paragraph view "Go to the Removing Account page" (you can ask if you need to open the page in the browser Or Instagram application, the choice is not important). Specify the reason for the deletion, enter your account password and, in conclusion, click the "Permanently remove My Account" button.
    Confirm the removal of an instagram account forever

As a result, your instagram account will be completely removed, and you cannot go to it. If you also do not need the application on the phone - delete it with Android or iOS.

Additionally, Instagram allows you to perform not a complete removal of the account, but only a temporary disconnection with the ability to recovery (the option is available in the same place on the Removal Account help page).

When using this option, for all friends and subscribers, your account will be similar to the remote, but your photos, lists of subscribers and subscriptions will be saved on instagram servers with the ability to restore.

Video about how to completely remove an account in instagram from the phone

If it is more convenient - below the video, in which all steps are shown and explained.

If you have questions about deleting an account, ask in the comments, I will be happy to help.

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