مقالې #976

How to change the download folder in Google Chrome

How to change the download folder in Google Chrome
By default, the Google Chrome browser uses a system boot folder for the files you download from the Internet, by default located in C: \ users \ user...

How to completely remove Kaspersky from a computer

How to completely remove Kaspersky from a computer
Sometimes, the standard methods for removing Kaspersky Anti-Virus from the computer, as well as the use of third-party program-Denistallators lead to...

Bulk Rename Files in Windows

Bulk Rename Files in Windows
Sooner or later, almost every user faces that it needs to perform a mass rename group of files: sometimes the task is simple - for example, you need...

How to Delete Google Account from Android Phone

How to Delete Google Account from Android Phone
If you needed to delete Google's account from the phone, the task can have two contexts: delete an account from the Android phone settings (so that...

How to remove an instagram account from the phone forever

How to remove an instagram account from the phone forever
If for one reason or another you needed to delete Instagram account forever (close the account), you can do it from your phone, and even if the application...

Automatic disk cleaning Windows 10

Automatic disk cleaning Windows 10
In Windows, the last last versions, besides other new features, it has been possible to clean the disk not only manually using the "Disk Cleaning" utility,...

How to fix ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Yandex Browser and Chrome

How to fix ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Yandex Browser and Chrome
The web page is not available er_spdy_protocol_error - one of the errors with which you may encounter, visiting Safe (HTTPS) sites in Yandex Browser...

Constantly connects and disable USB Windows device

Constantly connects and disable USB Windows device
When connecting or disconnecting USB devices Windows 10, 8.1, and Windows 7 reproduces sound, and some users are faced with the fact that the sound...

Clearing Android memory in Google Files

Clearing Android memory in Google Files
For Android phones and tablets, there are many free utilities for cleaning the memory, but most of them would not recommend: the realization of cleaning...

How to find out the Windows 10 assembly on the computer, in the image or flash drive

How to find out the Windows 10 assembly on the computer, in the image or flash drive
If for one reason or another you needed to determine the assembly number installed on the computer or Windows 10 laptop or find out which assembly in...

Error er_tunnel_connection_failed - how to fix

Error er_tunnel_connection_failed - how to fix
Sometimes when opening sites in Google Chrome and Yandex browser, you may encounter an error with err_tunnel_connection_failed code, with explanation...

DHCP is not included on the Windows 10 network adapter - how to fix

DHCP is not included on the Windows 10 network adapter - how to fix
When problems with Internet access in Windows 10 and try troubleshooting in "Windows network diagnostics" you can get the message "DHCP is not included...