Memory can not be read - how to fix?


How to fix the error memory can not be read
When starting games and programs, and in some cases, when you turn on the computer, you may encounter an error "The instruction at the address requested to memory at the address. Memory can not be read "with the appropriate addresses in memory.

In this instruction, it is detailed that the "Memory cannot be READ" may be called and how to correct the problem in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7.

Simple Methods Fixing Error Memory can not be Read

Error message Memory can not be Read

The first thing that is worth trying when the error in question occurs when the specific program is launched:

  • Run the program on behalf of the administrator (it is usually enough to click on the program shortcut right-click and select the appropriate context menu item).
  • Disable third-party antivirus if available. If, after turning off the antivirus, the error disappeared, try adding an antivirus elimination program.
  • If you have Windows 10 and the Windows Defender works, try to enter the security settings (this can be done with a double click on the Protector icon in the notification area) - Device Safety - Core Isolation Information. If the kernel isolation is turned on, try disable this item.
    Turning off the kernel insulation in the Windows Defender
  • If you have previously disabled Windows Paddock file, try to enable it again and restart the computer. Read more: Windows 10 paging file (relevant for other versions of OS).

Another way that can be attributed to simple is a DEP shutdown in Windows. For this:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. In the command prompt, enter the following command and press ENTER.

In the event that when executing the command, you report that the value is protected by a safe load policy, you can disable the DEP for specific programs, and not for the system as a whole (the second method from the instruction). Restart the computer and check whether the problem was solved or the error "Memory cannot be read" everything also arises.

Additional solution solving methods

If the previously described methods did not help, the following methods can be used:

  1. Check the integrity of Windows system files using SFC. Sometimes an error may be the result of DLL libraries.
  2. If the error occurs when the system is loaded, try to perform a clean Windows loading. If the error does not appear when the error does not appear, the reason can be some recently added programs or Windows service. Remember what software you were installed in recent times, it may cause an error.
  3. If your computer has recovery points to the date preceding the emergence of the problem, you can simply use the recovery points.
  4. If the problem began to appear after updating some drivers (often - video cards), try setting the previous version.
  5. Just in case, it makes sense to check the computer for malicious programs.

Sometimes the error is caused by the problems of the program file itself or its incompatibility with the current OS. And in the event that, in addition to the error in question, "Memory cannot be READ" you regularly have other problems (hang, blue screens), theoretically error may be caused by problems with RAM, it can be useful here: how to check RAM RAM for errors .

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