How to disable iPhone keyboard sound


How to disable iPhone keyboard sound
By default, on the iPhone, both the text keyboard and the buttons in the "Phone" application publish sounds - clicks and dialing tones. Some owners may want to disable them or, if they were included earlier - on the contrary, turn on the sounds of the keyboard.

In this simple short instruction on how to disable the sound of the iPhone keyboard (to turn it on, use the same settings) of the latest models and some features of the disconnection. Similar themes: How to enable key vibration on the iPhone, how to turn off the sound and vibration of the Android keyboard.

  • Turning off the sound keyboard on the iPhone
  • Video instruction

Turning off the key of keyboard and phone keys on the iPhone

As mentioned above, there are two keyboards on the iPhone, and if for the first (textual) shutdown, the simple is more complicated. In order to disable the sound of the usual text keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to settings - sounds, tactile signals (or simply "sounds" on previous IOS versions).
    Sound and Tactile iPhone Signals
  2. Turn off the keyboard click. Or enable if you need this sound.
    IPhone Keyboard Sound Disable Option

Ready, the text keyboard will not make sounds. Also, its sound can be removed, if you simply turn on the silent mode with the hardware switch on the end of your phone.

The sound of the telephone keyboard, with which the number is recruited, somewhere in the iPhone settings is not turned off and you have only two options:

  1. Enable "No Sound" mode using a iphone switch.
  2. Connect headphones (then sounds will not be displayed on a speaker, but in them).

Video about how to turn off the sound keyboard

Perhaps once in the IOS settings will appear and to disable this sound, but at the moment it is missing.

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