Incorrect service installation section in this INF file (MTP Device, MTP device)


Incorrect installation section in this INF file, how to fix
One of the frequent problems when connecting the Android phone or tablet to a computer or a USB laptop is an error message when installing the driver: There is a problem in installing software for this device. The Windows system has detected drivers for this device, but when you try to install these drivers, an error has occurred - the wrong service installation section in this INF file.

In this manual, in detail how to fix this error, install the necessary MTP driver and make the phone being visible on USB in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7.

The main reason for the error "Incorrect service installation section in this INF-file" when connecting the phone (tablet) and how to fix it

Most often the reason that when installing the MTP driver, an error occurs is that among the drivers available in Windows (and several compatible drivers may be present in the system) is automatically selected not the one that is needed.

It is very easy to fix, steps will be the following

  1. Go to the Device Manager (Win + R, enter devmgmt.msc and press ENTER, in Windows 10 you can make the right click on the Start button and select the desired context menu item).
  2. In the Device Manager, find your device: it can be in the "Other Devices" section - "Unknown Device" or in "Portable Devices" - "MTP Device" (Although other options are also possible, for example, model of your device instead of MTP Device).
  3. Click on the device right-click and select "Update Driver", and then click "Run the driver search on this computer."
    Manual Installation of MTP Driver
  4. On the next screen, click "Select the driver from the list of available drivers on this computer."
    Select the driver on this computer
  5. Next, select "MTD devices" (a window with a selection may not appear, then immediately use the 6th step).
  6. Specify the MTP USB Device Driver and click Next.
    Install MTP USB Device Driver

The driver will have to be established without problems (in most cases) A ​​message about the wrong installation section in this INF file should not be disturbed. Do not forget that the MEDIAN AUTHORY (MTP) connection mode must be enabled on the phone or tablet, which switches the USB-connection notification notification.

In rare cases, your device can need some kind of Specific MTP driver (which Windows cannot find itself), then, as a rule, it is enough to download from the official site of the device manufacturer and set about the same method as described above, but on 3 -We step specify the path to the folder with unpacked driver files and click "Next".

It may also be useful: the computer does not see the phone via USB.

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