DIR-300 NRU firmware


I recommend using the new and most relevant instructions for changing the firmware and the subsequent configuration of Wi-Fi routers D-Link DIR-300 REV. B5, B6 and B7

Firmware and adjusting the router D-Link DIR-300

Setting up and firmware DIR-300 Movie problems with connecting a Wi-Fi router to work with a particular provider (for example, Beeline) are caused by the features of the firmware. This article we will talk about how to flash D-Link DIR-300 routers with an updated firmware version. Update the firmware is not at all difficult and does not require any special knowledge, any computer user will quite cope with this.

What you need to flash the D-Link DIR-300 NRU router

First of all, this is a firmware file suitable for your router model. It is worth noting in advance that despite the general name - D-Link DIR-300 NRU N150, there are several revisions of this device, and the firmware for one will not suit the other and you risk getting a spoiled device, trying, for example, flash DIR-300 Rev . B6 firmware from revision B1. In order to find out which revision is your DIR-300, pay attention to the label located on the back of the device. The first letter with the number, located after the inscription H / W Ver. Mean, just revision of the hardware component of the Wi-Fi router (they may look: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7).

Getting the firmware file DIR-300

Official firmware for D-Link DIR-300 NRU

Official firmware for D-Link DIR-300 NRU

UPD (02/19/2013): Official site with fdp.dlink.ru firmware does not work. Firmware take here I watched the use of official firmware for routers provided by the manufacturer. However, there are alternative, about which a little later. In order to download the last version of the firmware for the D-Link DIR-300 router, go to the site ftp.dlink.ru, then proceed along the way: Pub - Router - DIR-300_NRU - Firmware - folder with your revision number. The file with the .bin extension in this folder will be the latest firmware version for the router. In the OLD folder there are previous versions, which, most likely, you will not need. Load the desired file to your computer.

Firmware Update DIR-300 B6

Firmware Update DIR-300 B6

All actions must be made from a computer connected to a computer cable, rather than a wireless connection. We go to the admin of the Wi-Fi router (I guess you know how to do it, otherwise, read one of the articles on the configuration of the DIR-300 router), select the menu item "Configure manually", then - System - software update. Indicate the path to the firmware downloaded in the previous paragraph. Click "update" and wait. After the router restarts, you can again go to the router administration page and make sure that the firmware version number has changed. Important note: In no case disconnect the power of the router or computer during the firmware process, as well as disable the network cable - this may lead to the impossibility of using the router in the future.

Beeline Firmware for D-Link DIR-300

Internet provider Beeline for its customers offers its own firmware, specially optimized for work in its networks. Its installation does not differ from what was described above, the whole process occurs in the same way. The files themselves can be downloaded to http://help.internet.beeline.ru/internet/equipment/dlink300/start. After changing the firmware on the firmware from Beeline, the address to access the router will be changed to, the name of the Wi-Fi access point is to Beeline-Internet, the password to Wi-Fi - Beeline2011. All this information is available on the Bilayna website. I do not recommend installing the coat firmware Beeline. The reason is simple: to replace the firmware after that the firmware is possible, but not so simple. Remove Beeline Firmware - time-consuming process with not guaranteed result. By installing it, be prepared that your D-Link DIR-300 will have a life interface for life, however, the connection to another provider is not excluded with this firmware.

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