ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧଗୁଡିକ #994

How to make a webcam from android phone

How to make a webcam from android phone
If you urgently needed a webcam for communication in Skype, Zoom or in another chat or messenger, but there is nothing at hand, except for your Android...

Setting up the target version of Windows 10 Pro in the registry (Disable component updates)

Setting up the target version of Windows 10 Pro in the registry (Disable component updates)
In Windows 10 Pro, the latest version of the parameters disappeared the ability to postpone the update of the components (updating to the new version...

How to restore a remote disc partition in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to restore a remote disc partition in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
If you are consciously or accidentally deleted the partition from the hard disk in Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 on the command line, "drive control"...

Share access to folders and disks in Windows 10

Share access to folders and disks in Windows 10
If there are several computers on your local network (and if they are connected to one router - they are already on the local network), you can share...

How to download HEVC codec for h.265 video for free in windows 10

How to download HEVC codec for h.265 video for free in windows 10
If you have an iPhone or other device, by default, removing video with HEVC codec (High Efficiency Video Codec, H.265), you may encounter the fact that...

Bleachbit - interesting free program to clean your computer's drive of unnecessary files

Bleachbit - interesting free program to clean your computer's drive of unnecessary files
Following the publication of reviews of the best software to clean the disk Windows 10, 8.1, and Windows 7, in the comments, I was offered to get acquainted...

How to find out the MAC address on the Android phone

How to find out the MAC address on the Android phone
If for certain purposes you needed to know the MAC address of the Android phone - to make it relatively easy, regardless of the version of the system...

How to Fix 0x80070666 Error when installing Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable

How to Fix 0x80070666 Error when installing Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable
One of the common errors faced by users when installing the distributed Microsoft Visual C ++ components - the message "Setup is not completed" with...

Code 10 Starting this device is not possible - how to fix?

Code 10 Starting this device is not possible - how to fix?
In the event that a yellow exclamation mark is displayed next to the device name in the Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 device manager, and in the device...

How to Fix MEMORY Management Error on Blue Screen in Windows 10

How to Fix MEMORY Management Error on Blue Screen in Windows 10
Blue screen Memory_management in Windows 10 is common, and at the same time, often difficult in diagnostic problem, however, find out its causes and...

Remove Disks or Oter Media Press Any Key to Restart When booting a computer - what is it and how to fix?

Remove Disks or Oter Media Press Any Key to Restart When booting a computer - what is it and how to fix?
If, when you turn on the computer, a message "Remove Disks or Other Media is turned on after a while. Press Any Key to Restart, "problem, as a rule,...

How to find out the BIOS version

How to find out the BIOS version
If you decide to update the BIOS on your computer or laptop, first it is advisable to find out which version of the BIOS is installed at the moment,...