Parallel configuration is incorrect


Windows parallel configuration error
When you start some not the newest, but necessary programs in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, the user may encounter an error "failed to start the application, since its parallel configuration is incorrect" (The Application Has Failed to Start Because Its Side-BY-Side Configuration IS incorrect - in English-speaking versions of Windows).

In this instruction, step by step about how to fix this error in several ways, one of which will most likely help and allow you to start a program or a game that reports problems with a parallel configuration.

Correction of the wrong parallel configuration by permuting Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable

The first of the ways to correct the error does not imply any diagnostics, but the most simple for a novice user and most often turns out to be operational in Windows.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of the message "could not start the application, since its parallel configuration is incorrect" is incorrect operation or conflicts of the Visual C ++ 2008 and Visual C ++ 2010 installed components required to start the program, and problems with them are recreated relatively uncomfortable.

  1. Go to the control panel - programs and components (see how to open the control panel).
  2. If the list of installed programs has a distributed Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 and 2010 package (or Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable, if the English-language version is installed), versions x86 and x64, remove these components (highlight, press "Delete" from above).
    Components Visual C ++ Redistributable
  3. After deleting, restart your computer and re-install the components from the Microsoft official site (download addresses below).

You can download Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 and 2010 packages on the following official pages (for 64-bit systems, install x64, and x86 versions for 32-bit - only x86 version):

  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 32-bit (x86) -
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 64-bit -
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 SP1 (x86) -
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 SP1 (x64) -

After installing the components, restart the computer again and try running the program that reports about the error. If it does not start and this time, but you have the opportunity to reinstall it (even if you have already done it before) - try, perhaps it will work.

Note: In some cases, it is rare today (for old programs and games) today, it may be necessary to perform the same steps for Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 SP1 components (easily searched for Microsoft's official website).

Additional ways to correct the error

Error parallel configuration is incorrect

The full text of the error message in question looks like "Failed to start the application, since its parallel configuration is incorrect. Additional information is contained in the application event log or use the SXStrace.exe command line program for more information. " SXStrace - one of the ways to diagnose, parallel configuration of which module causes the problem.

Sxtrace command parameters

To use the SXStrace program, run the command prompt on the administrator name, and then do the following steps.

  1. Enter the SXSTRACE TRACE -LOGFILE command: SXStrace.Etl (path to ETL log file can also be different).
  2. Run the program that calls the appearance of an error, close (click "OK") an error window.
  3. Enter the SXSTRACE PARSE -LOGFILE: SXStrace.etl -outFile command: SXStrace.txt
  4. Open the sxstrace.txt file (it will be in the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \)

In the execution log, you will see information about which error occurred, as well as an accurate version (installed versions can be viewed in "Programs and Components") and the discharge of Visual C ++ components (if it is in them), which is needed for the operation of this application and Use this information to install the desired package.

Sxstrace magazine

Another option that can help, and maybe on the contrary, call problems (i.e., use it only if you can and are ready to solve problems with Windows) - use the registry editor.

Open the following registry branches:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Sidebyside \ Winners \ (set_Simvols) \ 9.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ sidebyside \ winners \ (set_Simvolov) \ 8.0

Pay attention to the "Default" value and the list of versions in the values ​​below.

Parallel configuration in the Windows registry

If the default value is not the most new version in the list, then change it in such a way that it becomes equal. After that, close the registry editor and restart the computer. Check if the problem has been fixed.

At the moment, this is all ways to correct the error of improper configuration of the parallel configuration that I can offer. If something does not work or have something to add, waiting for you in the comments.

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