Restore remote files for beginners


Restore remote files for beginners
It happens almost with each user, whether it is experienced or not very: you delete the file, and after some time it turns out that it is needed again. Plus, files can be deleted by mistake, accidentally.

The has already had many articles on how to restore files lost in various ways. This time I plan to describe the general "behavior strategies" and the main actions necessary to return important data. At the same time, the article is intended primarily for novice users. Although I do not exclude the fact that more experienced owners of computers will find something interesting for themselves.

And he defined exactly?

It often happens that the person who took to restore something, did not actually delete the file, but accidentally moved it or simply sent it to the basket (and this is not a removal). In this case, first of all, look at the basket, and use the search for try to find a remote file.

Search for a remote file

Search for a remote file

Moreover, if you used any cloud service to synchronize files - Dropbox, Google Drive or Skydrive (I do not know, is applicable to Yandex disk), go to your cloud storage via the browser and look at the "basket" there. All specified cloud services have a separate folder, where deleted files are temporarily placed and, even if it is not in the basket on a PC, it may well be in the cloud.

Basket in Skydrive.

Check for backups in Windows 7 and Windows 8

In general, ideally, you should regularly make backup copies of important data, as the likelihood that they will be lost at a very different events are not at all zero. And it will not always be possible to restore them. Windows has built-in backup tools. In theory, they can be useful.

Backup Files in Windows 7

In Windows 7, the backup copy of the remote file can be saved even if you have not specifically set anything. In order to find out if there are previous states of a particular folder, click on it (it is on the folder) right-click and select "show the previous version".

View previous versions of folders

After that, you can see the backup copies of the folder and click "Open" in order to view its contents. Perhaps you can find an important remote file there.

File history in windows 8

In Windows 8 and 8.1, there is a "File Story" function, however, if you did not specifically turned it on it, you are not lucky - by default, this feature is disabled. If still the history of files is involved, just go to that folder where the file was located and click the "Magazine" button on the panel.

HDD and SSD hard drives, file recovery from flash drive

If all that is described above has already done and you failed to restore the remote file, you will have to use special programs to restore files. But here you have to consider a couple of moments.

Restoring data from hard drives

Restoring data from a flash drive or hard disk, provided that the data was not overwritten with new ones, and there is also no physical damage to the drive, with a high probability will be successful. The fact is that in fact, when you delete a file from such a drive, it is simply marked as "remote", but actually continues to be on the disk.

If you are using SSD, everything is much sad - on modern SSD solid-state discs and in modern Windows 7 operating systems, Windows 8 and Mac OS X when the file is deleted, the Trim command is activated, which literally removes the data that corresponds to this file so that Increase the performance of SSD (in the subsequent entry to the released "places" will occur faster, as they do not have to rub it in advance). Thus, if you have a new SSD and not an old OS, no data recovery program will help. Moreover, even in firms that provide such services, you will most likely be able to help (except in cases where the data was not deleted, and the drive itself failed - there is chances there).

Fast and easy way to restore deleted files

Using the program to restore files is one of the fastest and simple, as well as frequent ways to return lost data. You can find a list of such software in the item best data recovery programs.

Recuva data recovery program

One of the important points to be paid attention to: Never save the recovered files to the same media from which they are restored. And one more point: if your files are really very valuable, and they were removed from the hard disk of the computer, it is best to turn off the PC immediately, turn off the hard disk and the recovery procedure to produce on another computer so that no operating entry is made on the HDD Systems No, for example, when installing the same program for recovery.

Professional data recovery

In case your files have been important not to the extent as photos from vacation, but represent the necessary information for the company's activities or something more valuable, it makes sense to do not try to do something on your own, perhaps it will later come out expensive. It is best to turn off the computer and do nothing, contacting a company professionally dealing with data recovery. The only difficulty - in the regions it is quite difficult to find professionals precisely on data recovery, and numerous companies of computer aid at home and specialists in them in most cases are not experts on recovery, but simply use the same programs mentioned above, which is often not enough And in rare cases can also harm. That is, if you decide to appeal for help and your files are really very important, look for a company precisely on data recovery, those that specialize on this are not engaged in repairing computers or help at home.
