Programs do not start "Error starting an application (0xC0000005)" in Windows 7 and Windows 8


Programs do not start 0xc0000005 error
Yesterday, I drew attention to a sharply increased number of visitors to the old article about why Windows 7 and 8 programs are not launched. And today I understood what this stream is connected - many users have stopped running programs, and when you start the computer, it writes "Error when you start the application (0xc0000005). Briefly and quickly wonder what causes and how to fix this error.

After you fix the error to avoid her appearance in the future, I recommend to do this (opens in a new tab).

See also: Error 0xc000007B in Windows

How to fix the error 0xc0000005 in windows and what it is called

Supplement from September 11, 2013: I observe that by mistake 0xc0000005 again, traffic on this article has increased. The reason is the same, but the update number itself may differ. Those. We read the instructions, we understand, and remove those updates, after which an error (by date) appeared.Error appears after installing Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems update KB2859537. , issued to correct a number of Windows kernel vulnerabilities. When installing the update, many Windows system files are changing, including the kernel files. At the same time, if you had a modified kernel in the system in any way (there is a pirated version of the OS, viruses were worked out), then the update setting may result in the program that the programs are not launched and you see the error message.

In order to correct this error, you can:

  • Install yourself, finally licensed windows
  • Delete update KB2859537

How to Delete Update KB2859537

To delete this update, run the command prompt on the administrator name (in Windows 7 - find the command line to the Start - Programs - Standard, click on it right-click and select "Run on the name of the administrator", in Windows 8 on the desktop Press the Win + x keys and select the command line menu (Administrator)). In the command prompt, enter:


Funalien writes:

Who has appeared after September 11, we write: WUSA.EXE / UNINSTALL / KB: 2872339 I worked for me. Good luck

Oleg writes:

After upgrading October, remove 2882822 on the old method, from the center of updates to hide differently will be loaded

You can also roll back the system or go to the control panel - programs and components and click the "View Installed Updates" link, then select and delete the desired one.

List of installed Windows updates

List of installed Windows updates
