How to disable iPhone data saving mode


How to disable iPhone data saving mode
The so-called "data saving" mode is present on the iPhone, designed to reduce the use of traffic when using a mobile network. It can be useful in cases of presence of traffic restrictions, but more often - no: in this mode notifications may not come, synchronization tasks are stopped and other functions requiring access to the Internet.

In this manual, it is detailed how to disable data savings on the iPhone, as well as about what to do if updates do not come, and the state of some applications is not updated despite the fact that the data saving mode is disabled. A similar topic: How to disable traffic savings on Android and on Samsung Galaxy.

  • Disable data saving mode and other settings
  • Video instruction

Disable data savings

In order to disable data saving mode on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the settings - cellular communication.
    Open cellular settings
  2. Open the Data Settings section.
    Open mobile data settings
  3. Set the Data Saving switch in the "Off" state.
    Disable data savings

Ready, Mobile Traffic Saving Mode is disabled and if the problems have been associated with this, the specified setting should solve the problem. However, the reason is not always in this.

If even after disabling data savings (or if it has already been disabled), the content content is still not updated: letters, messages, notifications do not come (although they work on Wi-Fi), maybe the reason in another configuration:

  1. On your iPhone, go to the settings - the main. Open the Content Update Settings section.
    Content update options
  2. In it, click on the Content Update item to the same name.
    Content Update Settings Applications
  3. Select "Wi-Fi and Cell data" if applications are updated and in a mobile network.
    Allow content updates in a mobile network

Please note: on the second step there is a list of applications that allows you to enable or disable the ability to update content for each application separately.

Another setting that can affect the receipt of data applications in the mobile network (and via Wi-Fi) is the battery saving mode, is in the settings - the battery is the power saving mode.


If you have any questions - ask in the comments to the instructions, I will try to help.
