Error 0xc0000428 in Windows 10 when starting or installing


How to fix the error 0xc00004428
One of the widespread errors of Windows 10, from which you can encounter both when starting the OS and when it is installed, "Could not check the digital signature of this file", the error code 0xc0000428. In some cases, the appearance of a blue screen with this code also indicates the name of the problem file, frequent options - OEM-DRV64.SYS (for not quite legal OS), WinLoad.exe.

In this instruction, it is detailed about the possible reasons for this error and how to fix it depending on the situation and the specific scenario of the problem.

Bug fix 0xc0000428 when running Windows 10

0xc0000428 failed to check the digital signature of the file

In cases of the appearance of an error, "Could not check the digital signature of this file" with the code 0xC0000428 when the system is started (provided that before that, Windows 10 started normally) among the reasons can be assumed:

  • Installation of unsigned device drivers, including virtual, which can set third-party applications.
  • Modification or replacement of Windows 10 system files, a system bootloader, for example, when using various system twists, installing the second OS on a computer or laptop.

An error message at the bottom, among other things, proposes to press the F8 key to access the download parameters and it is it that we will use it to correct the error:

  1. Press F8, and if you do not work and you have a laptop - Fn + F
  2. A download options window will open, you need to "disable mandatory driver signature check" - F7 or Fn + F7 (you can also use a key 7 in the top row).
    Running a system with a disconnected digital driver signature test
  3. This time, subject to a serviceable bootloader, Windows 10 must occur without problems.
  4. Further actions may be as follows: Deleting a problem driver and the corresponding services (in the case of OEM-DrVSYS, can lead to problems with activation and, in some cases, running), software that installed it or disabling the Digital Signature Signature of Windows 10 drivers permanently What is item 5.
  5. The second can be done using the command line running on the name of the administrator by entering the bcdedit.exe / set nointegrityChecks ON command and after rebooting also disabling the Secure Boot to BIOS. If you wish, you can use third-party programs such as EasyBCD to disable digital signature check: in this program you will need to go to "Advanced Settings" - the Advanced tab (Advanced) and set the Digital Signature Test Checking (ALLOW Use Of unsigned drivers), and then save the settings with the Save Settings button (in the program there is a Russian interface language, but when it is turned on, sometimes part of the interface becomes not visible, therefore I give information in English). After rebooting, disconnect the Secure Boot function if it is enabled in the BIOS / UEFI.

If the specified steps did not help or boot options for F8 do not work, try to restore Windows 10 bootloader using the boot flash drive with the system (when it does not have to create somewhere on another computer).

You can also try to use the system recovery points when available: boot from the Windows 10 boot flash drive, on the screen after selecting the language at the bottom right, click "Restore System" and find the recovery points in the parameters.

Note: If the error is called OEM-DRV64.sys file and you decide to remove it (remind you on the unlicensed OS after that additional problems are possible), delete the registry key


Error 0xc0000428 when installing Windows 10

The reasons for the appearance of the error under consideration during installation of Windows 10 to the computer are usually diagnosed more difficult. Common cases are the following:

  • An error occurs when loading from the installation flash drive - may occur when using multiz-loading flash drives and drives with Grub4dos loader (such, for example, when using WinsetupFromusB). Try to record a USB flash drive in a different way, for example, using RUFUS. You can also help disabling Secure Boot to BIOS computer or laptop.
  • An error occurs when a first reboot after starting the installation. Here you can try: if another OS stood on the computer, delete the section with the loader from it and re-run the installation. If the installation is performed on a clean drive, you can try another image and shutdown Secure Boot.

If none of the approaches have worked in your case, describe the specific situation in the comment, after which there was a problem and which file indicates an error message if such an indication is present. I will try to help.
