No selection version of Windows 10, when you install from a USB drive, immediately set Home (decision)


Including the selection of the version of Windows 10 when installed
One of the most frequent questions for instructions about how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive - why not select the version (version of) the version of the system, respectively, can not be installed Pro: instead she installed Windows 10 Home.

These instructions detail about why this is happening and how to do that when clean installing Windows 10 from a flash drive you can choose the Professional or other editions of the system.

How to choose a Windows 10 Pro or another version of the installation and why such a choice may not appear

Consider the situation occurs on computers and laptops, which was installed when you purchase genuine Windows 10, 8.1, or 8 specific version.

If such a laptop or PC to perform a clean installation of Windows 10 in UEFI mode, the installation program will check whether the product key from the manufacturer, which is stored in the BIOS is present (UEFI) and, if such is available, will automatically set the corresponding edition of Windows 10, more often - Home, as it was it was pre-installed on most branded devices.

This has advantages: you get the license is automatically activated (after connecting to the Internet) system. If you want to install a different edition of the system, for example, Windows 10 Pro, you can do so by using the following simple steps:

  1. On any computer, start Notepad (or another text editor) and type the following text: [EditionID] [Channel] Retail
  2. Save the file with the name «ei.cfg». When you save in Notepad necessarily in "Save as type" select "All Files", otherwise the file extension .txt will be added. As an encoding using UTF-8.
    Saving a file ei.cfg
  3. Copy ei.cfg in the sources folder on the Windows 10 bootable USB flash drive.

Done now boot from a flash drive, you will see the standard selection window system edition you want to install.

Also, if the contents of the file to use ei.cfg

[EditionID] Professional [Channel] Retail

the selection will not appear version of the system, and will soon be installed Windows 10 Pro.

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