Android 5 Lolipop - My Review


My review about Android 5 Lolipop
Today, my Nexus 5 has arrived updated to Android 5.0 Lolipop and I have a hurry to share my first look at the new OS. Just in case: the phone with the stock firmware, without root, before the update was reset to the factory settings, that is, clean Android, as far as possible. See also: New Android 6 functions.

The text below is not a review of new features, Google Fit applications, transition messages with Dalvik on Art, the results of benchmarks, information about three options for setting the sound of notifications and stories about Material Design - all this you will find in a thousand other reviews on the Internet. I focus on those little things that our attention has noted.

Immediately after the update

Android unlock 5.

The first thing you come immediately after upgrading to Android 5 - a new lock screen. My phone is blocked using a graphic key and now, after turning on the screen, I can make one of the following things:

  • Spend left to right, enter the graphic key, get into the dialer;
  • Spend right left, enter the graphic key, get into the camera app;
  • Return up, enter the graphic key, get to the Android home screen.

Once, when only Windows 8 was released, the first thing I did not like is a greater number of clicks and mouse movements for the same actions. Here the same situation: I used to simply enter a graphic key, without making extra gestures, and get into Android, and the camera could be launched at all without unlocking the device. To launch the dialer, I used to and now everything is also needed to perform two actions, that is, it has not become closer, despite the fact that the lock screen is rendered.

Another thing that attracted the look immediately after the phone is turned on with the new version of Android - an exclamation mark near the indicator of the signal reception level of the mobile network. Previously, this meant any problems with the connection: I could not register on the network, only an emergency call and similar to them. Having understood, I realized that in Android 5, an exclamation mark means the lack of mobile and Wi-Fi internet connection (and I should keep them off without having to be disconnected). This sign show me that something is wrong with me and take my peacefulness, but I don't like it - about the absence or availability of Internet connections I myself know on Wi-Fi icons, 3G, H or LTE (which anywhere Due to).

Data transfer settings

While disassembered with the point above, drew attention to another detail. Take a look at the screenshot at the top, in particular, the "Finish" button on the right below. How could this be done? (I have Full HD screen, if that)

Android 5 Notifications

Also, while manipulated with the settings and the notification panel, I could not not notice the new paragraph "flashlight". This is, without irony, what happened in stock Android, very satisfied.

Google Chrome on Android 5

Google Chrome in Android 5

The browser on the smartphone is one of the applications that use most often. I use Google Chrome. And here we also have some changes, I seemed not quite successful to me and, again, leading to more necessary actions:

  • In order to update the page, or stop its download, you must first click on the menu button, and then select the desired item.
  • Switching between open tabs now does not happen inside the browser, but using the list of running applications. At the same time, if you opened a pair of tabs, then not the browser, but something else, and then opened another tab, then in the list all this will be built in order of launch: Tab, tab, application, still tab. With a large number of launched tabs and applications, it will not be quite convenient.

The rest of Google Chrome is the same.

List of Applications

List of recent applications

Previously, to challenge the applications, I pressed the button to display their list (extreme right), and "throwing out" the gesture until the list remained empty. All this works and now, but if earlier re-entering the list of last running applications showed that nothing is running, now there is something in itself (in general without actions on the phone), including those requiring attention The user (at the same time it is not displayed on the main screen): Notifications of the telephone operator, the phone application (at the same time, if you click on it, you are not in the phone application, but to the main screen), clock.

Google Now.

Google Now did not change in any way, but when I opened it after the update and connect to the Internet (I remind you, there were no third-party applications on the phone at that time), then instead of the usual mountains I saw a red-white-black mosaic. When you click on it, Google Chrome opened, in which the word "test" was introduced in the search bar and the search results for this request.

Google Now in Android 5

Such things cause me to be paranoia, since I don't know whether it is something for something tests (and why on devices of end users then and where is the explanation of the company, what exactly is happening?) Or some hacker checks passwords through the hole in Google Now. It has disappeared, after about an hour.


As for applications, nothing special: new design, different colors of the interface, affecting and on the color of the OS elements (string of notifications) and the absence of the gallery application (now only photo).

Application registration in Android 5

In general, everything that attracted my attention: otherwise, in my opinion, everything is almost as before, quite well and conveniently, it does not slow down, but it did not faster, but I can't say anything about the life of the battery yet.

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