How to use ADB Shell in Google Chrome Browser without installing Android SDK Platform Tools


Using ADB Shell in Google Chrome
If you occasionally use the ADB Shell command to work with your Android device and every time you download the Android SDK components for these purposes, it may not be necessary soon: with restrictions, but now you can perform these commands directly from the browser, without Installations of any additional software.

At the time of writing, the method is an experimental function of Google Chrome (it is reported that it works in the last Microsoft EDGE) and the webadb web interface beta for working with ADB - that is, not everything can work properly, but may already be interesting for those Who needs it.

Connection order in Webadb

To use the capabilities under consideration, you will need to perform the following preparatory actions:

  1. Enable the experimental feature "New USB BACKEND" in Chrome: // Flags. We go to the pagechrome: // Flags / # New-USB-backen and switch the parameter to the value Enabled. , then press the Relaunch button to restart the browser. Consider: As with other experimental functions, this may disappear completely or, on the contrary, become a conventional Chrome function, having disappeared from the experimental list.
    Enabling New USB Backend in Google Chrome
  2. Enable USB debug on your Android smartphone or tablet and connect it to a computer.

Next, you can start using ADB Shell via Webadb in the browser:

  1. Go to the site and click "Add Device". Your device must be in the list (when the USB debug is enabled and the availability of the necessary drivers on the computer), add.
    Connecting the device in Webadb
  2. Press the "Connect" button, allow connections on the Android screen - the device is connected.
    USB debugging on Android device
  3. To execute commands in the console, go to "Interactive Shell". Commands asked as if they were in ADB Shell, for example, to get the list of installed packages, we enter ADB Shell Pm List Packages , a Pm List Packages.
    Adb Shell teams in browser
  4. In the same place in WebadB there is a ready-made file manager web interface, Installing APK to the device, screen capture and screen broadcast (SCRCPY).
    Android Screen Broadcast in Webadb

During the test, I tried simple things, such as the Android screen entry with ADB and some other teams - in general, works.

Using Webadb on Android

But not all and, for example, a smartphone rebooted in Recovery to see WEBADB is not possible. It is also reported that connecting devices with their own debugging drivers (for example, Samsung) will not work.

However, the opportunity itself, I think, will be interesting for someone, besides, it is possible that the future tools of this kind of Google may appear in the future.

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