How to reset the password windows 10


How to reset the password windows 10
In this instruction - how to reset a forgotten password in Windows 10, regardless of whether you are using a Microsoft account or a local account. Self password reset process is almost the same as those that I have described for the previous versions of the OS, except for a pair of minor nuances. Please note, if you know your current password, then there is a simpler way: How to change the Windows 10 password.

If this information is required to you due to the fact that the password Windows 10 that you have installed, for some reason does not suit, I recommend to start to try to enter it on and off Caps Lock, in Russian and English keyboard layout - it might help. If the text description of the steps may seem complex, in the section on password reset local account also has a video statement in which all clearly shown.

  • Password Reset Microsoft account
  • Built password reset means local account
  • How to reset the password of a Windows 10 free programs (for offline / local account)
  • Video instruction
  • Changing the user password using the built-in Administrator account
  • Windows Password Reset 10 program DISM ++

Password Reset Microsoft account online

If you use a Microsoft account, as well as the computer that you can not log on, connected to the Internet (or you can connect to the lock screen by clicking on the icon connection), you will approach a simple password reset on the official website. In this case, do the above steps to change the password you can from any computer or even your phone.

  1. First of all, go to page on which to select one of the items, such as "I can not remember my password."
  2. After that, enter the email address (it can also be a phone number) and the parity, and then follow the instructions to restore access to a Microsoft account.
    Restoring Microsoft account
  3. Provided that you have access to e-mail or phone, that you assigned to the account, the process is complicated.
    The second step of the recovery account
  4. As a result, you will connect to the lock screen to the Internet (using the connect button on the bottom right) and enter the new password already.

If you can not change the password of a Microsoft Online account, you can do the following: go to the instructions for resetting the password without programming, follow the steps to 10, inclusive, and then create a new local user on the command line, give him the right administrator and login as this user, this will help to separate the instruction: How to create a Windows user 10.

Reset Local Account Password in Windows 10 built-in tools

In the latest versions of Windows 10, the password reset the local account has become easier than before. Now, when installing Windows 10, you specify three control questions that allow you to change the password at any time if you forgot it (but this option can not be used).

  1. After incorrect password entry under the input field, it will appear "Reset Password", click it.
    Password reset in Windows 10 1803
  2. Specify the answers to the test questions.
    Enter the answers to the control questions for password recovery
  3. Specify the new Windows 10 password and confirm it.
    New Windows 10 password

After that, the password will be changed and you will automatically enter the system (subject to the right answers to questions). If you did not ask the control questions (in this case, you may not know that a removable media is required for this operation) or do not know the answers to them, use the following method.

Windows 10 password reset without programs

To begin with two ways to reset Windows 10 password without third-party programs (only for local account). In both cases, you will need a bootable flash drive with Windows 10, not necessarily with the same version of the system that is installed on your computer.

The first method consists of the following steps:

  1. Load from the Windows 10 boot flash drive (ways to make the Windows 10 boot flash drive, you have to run somewhere on another computer), then in the installation program, press keys SHIFT + F10. (SHIFT + FN + F10 On some laptops). The command line opens.
  2. In the command prompt enter regedit. And press ENTER.
    Running the command line when installing Windows 10
  3. The registry editor opens. In it in the left pane highlight HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then select on the menu "File" - "Download bush".
  4. Specify the path to the file C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ System (In some cases, the system disk letter may differ from the usual C, but the desired letter is easy to determine on the content of the disk).
  5. Set the name (any) for the loaded bush.
    Installing a name for the downloaded registry key
  6. Open the downloaded registry key (will be under the specified name in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ), and in it - subsection Setup..
  7. On the right side of the registry editor double click on the parameter Cmdline And set the value cmd.exe.
    Editing the cmdline parameter
  8. Similarly, change the value of the parameter SetupType on 2..
  9. On the left part of the registry editor, select the section whose name you specified on the 5th step, then select "File" - "Unload bush" , Confirm the unloading.
    Unloading a bush from the registry
  10. Close the registry editor, the command line, the installation program and restart the computer from the hard disk.
  11. When loading the system, the command line will automatically open. Enter the command in it Net User. To see the list of users.
  12. Enter the command user user name New_polchtoby Set a new password for the desired user. If the username contains spaces, take it in quotes. If you need to remove the password, instead of a new password, enter two quotes in a row (without a space between them). I strongly do not recommend typing a password on Cyrillic.
    Windows 10 password reset at the command prompt
  13. In the command prompt enter regedit. and go to the Registry section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ SETUP
  14. Remove the value from the parameter Cmdline And set the value SetupType equal 0.
    Rollback of changes in the registry
  15. Close the registry editor and command line.

As a result, you will enter the login screen, and for the user password will be changed to you or deleted.

Video instruction

Changing the password for the user using the built-in administrator account

To use this method, you will need one of: Live CD with the possibility of downloading and accessing the computer file system, disk (flash drive) or Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 distribution. I will demonstrate the use of the last option - that is, the password reset with the help of funds Windows restoration on the installation flash drive. Important note: In the latest versions of Windows 10, the method described later may not work.

The first step will be loaded from one of the specified drives. After downloading and appearing the installation language selection screen, press the SHIFT + F10 keys - it will cause the command line appearance. If nothing like that does not appear, you can on the installation screen, after selecting the language, to the left below select "Restore System", then go to troubleshoot - Advanced parameters - command line.

At the command prompt, enter the command in order (after entering enter):

  • diskpart.
  • List Volume
Command line in the Windows 10 installation program

You will see a list of hard disk partitions. Remember the letter of that section (it can be determined by size) on which Windows 10 is installed (this may not be C at the moment, when running the command line from the installer). Enter the EXIT command and press ENTER. In my case, this is a C drive, I will use this letter in the commands that should be introduced further:

  1. MOVE C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Utilman.exe C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Utilman2.exe
  2. Copy C: \ Windows \ System32 \ cmd.exe C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Utilman.exe
  3. If everything went successfully, enter the Wpeutil Reboot command to restart the computer (you can restart and differently). This time, boot from your system disk, and not from the boot flash drive or disk.
Rename cmd.exe.

Note: If you have not used an installation disk, but something else, your task using the command line, as described above or other means, make a copy of cmd.exe in the System32 folder and rename this copy to utilman.exe.

After loading, the password input window, click on the icon "Accessibility Options" at the bottom right. Open a command line Windows 10.

At the command prompt, type net user user_name new_password and press Enter. If the user name consists of several words, use quotation marks. If you do not know your user name, use the net users click to view a list of Windows 10. usernames After changing the password, you will immediately be able to come with a new password to your account.

The second embodiment of a password reset Windows 10 (if already running command line, as described above)

To use this method, your computer must be running Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise. Enter the command net user administrator / active: yes (for the English-language manual or Russified version of Windows 10, use the Administrator instead of Administrator).

Enabling the administrator account

Either immediately after the command is successfully executed, or after you restart your computer you will have the choice of the user, select Activate administrator account and log in to it without the password.

Selecting an administrator account in Windows 10

After entering (the first login takes a while), right-click on the "Start" and select "Computer Management". And in it - local users - users.

Ask your account password

Right-click on the user name, the password that you want to reset and select "Set Password." Carefully read the warning and click "Continue".

Warning password reset

Then set a new password for the account. It is worth noting that this method fully works only for local Windows 10. Account should use the first method for Microsoft account, or, if not possible, by entering the administrator (as just described), create a new computer user.

Changing the Windows 10 password

Finally, if you have used the second method to reset the password, I recommend to get everything back to the original look. Disable the built-in administrator account by using the command line: net user administrator / active: no

Also delete the file utilman.exe from the System32 folder, and then rename the file to utilman2.exe utilman.exe (if it is not impossible to make from within Windows 10, it is also, as initially have to go into recovery mode and perform these actions from the command line (as it is shown in the video above). Done, now your system is in its original form, and you have access to it.

Windows Password Reset 10 Dism ++

Dism ++ - a powerful free program for tuning, cleaning, and some other actions with Windows, which allows, among other things, remove the password of a local Windows user 10.

In order to accomplish this with this program, do the following steps:

  1. Create (somewhere on another computer) a bootable flash drive from Windows 10 and unpack the archive with DISM ++.
  2. Download from this flash drive on a computer where you need to reset the password, press SHIFT + F10 in the installation program, and on the command prompt, enter the path to the program executable file in the same bit as the image on your flash drive, for example - E: \ DISM \ DISM ++ x64.exe. Consider that at the installation stage, the flash drive letter may differ from the one that is used in the loaded system. To view the current letter, you can use the DiskPart, List Volume command, EXIT (the second command will show connected sections and their letters).
  3. Accept the license agreement.
    Running DISM ++ when installing Windows 10
  4. In the running program, pay attention to two items at the top: on the left - Windows Setup, and on the right - the following installations of Windows 10 or other versions. Click on Windows 10, and then click "Open session".
  5. In the "Tools" section - "Advanced" select "Accounts".
    Account Management in DISM ++
  6. Select the user for which you want to reset the password and click the Password Reset button.
    Select a password reset account
  7. Ready, password is reset (deleted). You can close the program, command line and installation program, and then download the computer from the hard disk as usual.
    Windows 10 password removed

Details about the program DISM ++ and how to download it in a separate article Setting up and cleaning Windows 10 in DISM ++. In the case, if nothing of the described options helps, you may need to study the ways from here: Restore Windows 10.

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