IPv6 without access to the network or without access to the Internet - why and what to do?


IPv6 without network access
Going to a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection status, users can see the information that IPv6 connection without access to the network or without access to the Internet. If the problem is associated with non-working Internet on a computer or laptop, it may assume that the reason is in the status of IPv6 connection, but usually it is not.

In this instruction, it is detailed that IPv6 means connecting without access to the network / Internet in Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7, whether it is necessary to worry about it, it is possible to correct the additional information that may be useful in the context of the topic in question.

  • Causes by which IPv6 without network access
  • If the Internet is supported by IPv6 and should work, but does not work

Reasons for which IPv6 without access to the network or the Internet

IPv6 without network access in connection status

Before moving to the reasons for the status of the IPv6 connection, I will note again: if you have problems with the work of the Internet, IPv6 is unlikely to have a certain instructions (or search for specific errors in the browser will help you at the time of trying to open sites. :

  • What if the Internet does not work in Windows 10
  • Internet does not work on the computer on the cable or through the router

And now about IPv6 or IP version 6 is a new Internet protocol created due to the problem of the lack of IPv4 addresses. In perspective, IPv4 and IPv6 will be used simultaneously. But: While it is not quite so. Most providers, especially when it comes to home Internet for individuals (for legal IPv6 can be a separate service), provide access only on IPv4.

List of providers offering IPv6 services to individuals (but most - only in individual regions), as well as additional information on setting up and related useful information on the protocol can be found at https://version6.ru/isp

And now items:

  1. Today, the most common reason is the fact that IPv6 "without Internet access" or "without network access" is the lack of support for the Provider's protocol. And this is normal: the home user of the Internet is likely not to notice the difference.
  2. The second most prevalence is the lack of IPv6 support from your Wi-Fi router. On some routers, such support appears in new firmware, on some (and very common cheap "old, but not useless" routers) its appearance is not planned.
  3. If you are confident that IPv6 support from the provider is, and your router supports this protocol, consider that many IPv6 routers are disabled by default and, moreover, requires a specific setting depending on the specific provider and the type of connection. An example of such settings in the Help Wi-Fi equipment ASUS: https://www.asus.com/ru/support/faq/113990
    IPv6 settings on the router

Summing up: Most likely, the message that IPv6 without access to the network is normal, and if you are experiencing any problems with Internet access, this nuance is not the cause of such a problem.

Note: If you need an IPv6 for any professional tasks, but in stock only IPv4, look for instructions on setting up 6in4 tunnels, it is realizable.

Internet on IPv6 should work, but writes that without network access

If you are sure that your provider supports the IPv6, the router is also (and configured correctly for this protocol), however, in the connection status you see that IPv6 without access to the network or the Internet, you can try the following methods of solving the problem:

  1. Manually set DNS servers for IPv6 in connection properties, you can use IPv6 Google DNS servers: 2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8888 and 2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8844 . On how to change the DNS server (only it is necessary to change not for IPv4, but for IPv6) you can read in the instructions How to change the DNS server in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7.
  2. VPN services (I do not exclude, also that the web protection services of antiviruses and third-party firewalls) can block IPv6 traffic for safety.
  3. Try to reset the IPv6 on the command prompt running on the name of the administrator: Netsh int ipv6 reset And restart the computer.
  4. Try disable the "IP Auxiliary Service" service (set the start type "Disabled" in Services.msc and restart the computer).
  5. Try updating the network card or Wi-Fi adapter drivers. Upon update is understood not to "update" in the device manager or the Windows 10 update center, and find new drivers on the manufacturer's website and manually install them.
  6. Find and once again carefully read the settings that are necessary for the IPv6 operation from your provider, compare them with those set for a protocol in the connection settings or in the Wi-Fi parameters of the router.

I hope the material helped clarify the situation and figure out why the connection state states that IPv6 without access to the network.

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