Skype functions that you did not know


Additional functions Skype
Many, many people use Skype to communicate. If you are not yet - be sure to start, all the necessary information on the topic of registration and installation Skype is available on the official website and on this page. You may also be interested in: how to use Skype online without installing on a computer.

However, most users limit the use of only calls and video links with relatives, sometimes send files through Skype, less often use the desktop display function or chat rooms. But this is not all that can be done in this messenger and, I am almost sure, even if you think that you know enough to you, in this article you can learn interesting and useful information.

Editing the message after it was sent

Wrote something wrong? Sealed and would like to change printed? No problems - this can be done in Skype. I have already written how to remove the Skype correspondence, but with the acts described in the specified instruction, the entire correspondence is removed and I'm not sure that it is necessary.

When communicating in Skype, you can delete or edit a specific message sent by you within 60 minutes after it is sent - just click on it right-click in the chat window and select the appropriate item. If more than 60 minutes passed from the moment of sending, then the items "Edit" and "Delete" will not be in the menu.

Editing and deleting Skype messages

Edit and delete message

Moreover, given the fact that when using Skype, the message history is stored on the server, and not on local computers of users, the addressees will see it changed. There is here. True and disadvantage - about the edited message appears an icon that informs that it has been changed.

Sending video messages

Sending video messages in Skype

Sending video messages in Skype

In addition to the usual video link, you have the opportunity to send a message a video message to a length of up to three minutes. What is the difference from the usual call? Even if the contact you send a recorded message is now offline, he will receive it and can see when it goes to Skype. At the same time, at this point, you no longer have to be online. So, this is a fairly convenient way to communicate someone and about something, if you know that the first action that this person does, coming to work or home, turn on the computer on which Skype works.

How to show your screen in Skype

Screen Demonstration in Skype

How to Show Desktop in Skype

Well, I think about how to demonstrate my desktop in Skype, even if you did not know that, it was possible to guess in a screenshot from the previous section. Just click "Plus" next to the "Call" button and select the item you want. " Unlike various programs for remote control of computer and user support, when the computer screen is displayed, you do not send the mouse control or access to the PC to the interlocutor, however this feature can still be useful - after all, someone can assist, reporting where Press and what to do. It does not require installation of additional programs - Skype is almost all.

Teams and the role of the chat Skype

Those of readers who started to get acquainted with the Internet in the 90s - early 2000s probably used IRC chats. And remember that the IRC has a wide variety of commands to perform certain functions - setting a password on the channel, a ban of users, changing the topic of the channel and others. Similar are available in Skype. Most of them are applicable only for chat rooms with several participants, but some can also be used when communicating with one person. Full list of teams available on the official website

How to run a few skype at the same time

If you try to run another Skype window when it works, it will simply open a running application. What if you want to run several Skype at the same time under different accounts?

Click in the free place of the desktop with the right mouse button, select the "Create" item - "shortcut", click "Overview" and specify the path to Skype. After that, add the / Secondary parameter.

Start multiple specimens Skype

Label to run the second Skype

Ready, now on this label you can run additional application instances. At the same time, despite the fact that the transfer of the parameter used itself sounds like "second", it does not mean that you can only use two skype - run as much as you need.

Record Skype conversation in mp3

Last interesting opportunity - recording conversations (only audio) is written to Skype. In the application itself there is no such function, but you can use the MP3 Skype Recorder program, you can download it for free here (this is the official website).

Program for recording Skype calls mp3 Skype Recorder

This program allows you to record Skype calls.

In general, this free program can a lot of things, but for now I will not write about all this: I think it's worth making a separate article.

Run Skype with automatic password and login

In the comments, the VIKTOR reader sent the following opportunity to prestructive in Skype: Transferring the corresponding parameters when you start the program (via the command line, speaking them in a shortcut or autorun), you can do the following:
  • "C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / username: Login / Password: Password - Runs Skype with selected login and password
  • "C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / Secondary / Username: Login / Password: Password - Starts second and subsequent Skype instances with specified data for input.

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