How to download d3dx9_43.dll from the official site Microsoft


How to download d3dx9_43.dll for windows 10 and 8
Typical actions of the novice user, when when you start the game, he sees a message that the program start is not possible, since there is no D3DX9_43.DLL on the computer - start searching on the Internet, where download d3dx9_43.dll is free. A typical result of such actions is a wandering for dubious sites, and the game still does not start.

In this manual - by steps how to fix the error, the program start is not possible, since there is no D3DX9_43.DLL on the computer in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 and why it appears (English-language error option: The Program Can't Start Because D3DX9_43.DLL IS Missing From Your Computer); About how to safely download the original file from the Microsoft website and about why you should not download this file from third-party sites. Also at the end of the article there is a video in the error correction instruction.

Fixing the error "On the computer is missing D3DX9_43.dll" when you start the game or program

In order not to search where you download D3DX9_43.dll free and not download to a computer or laptop Malicious software, it is useful to wonder: what is this file?

Answer - This file is part of the DirectX components 9 necessary to start many not the newest games and some application programs, should be in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder (but do not hurry to copy there downloaded from somewhere d3dx9_43.dll).

File properties D3DX9_43.dll

Usually, the user argues: But I have the DirectX 11 in Windows 7 or 8, and the DirectX 12 in Windows 10, but this is not enough: by default, the system contains libraries (DLL files) of previous director versions, while they are necessary Some games and programs.

And in order for these libraries to appear - it is enough to use the official installer from Microsoft, which will automatically add them to the system, thereby correcting the errors "Starting the program is not possible, since there is no D3DX9_43.DLL on the computer."

D3DX9_43.DLL error is absent

Download D3DX9_43.DLL from the official site

In order to download d3dx9_43.dll for Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, as well as other DLL files that may be required to start a game or a program that does not start (and most likely, this requires not only this file), do next steps:

  1. Go to the official page of Microsoft and download the DirectX executable web installer for the end user.
    Download the original file d3dx9_43.dll
  2. Run the downloaded dxwebsetup.exe executable file. Agree with the conditions and refuse to install additional software (at the current time, it proposes to install the Microsoft Bing panel).
  3. Wait until the installation is completed: the program will automatically download all the missing (old, but still current) Microsoft DirectX library.
    Loading DLL DirectX libraries

Ready. After that, the file d3dx9_43.dll will be in the desired location (you can verify that by going to the folder C: \ WINSOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ and by following the search for there), and the error that this file does not have to appear again.

File d3dx9_43.dll in the System32 folder

Download D3DX9_43.DLL - Video Instruction

Just in case - the video about how the DirectX installation is located, including the D3DX9_43.DLL library, which is necessary to correct the error and the impossibility of starting the program.

Why not need to download d3dx9_43.dll and other libraries from download sites

As mentioned above, most users instead of finding out that the DLL is required and part of which components it is, looking for a way to download it separately, finding a lot of sites, specially "sharpened" under such users.

An erroneous such action is for the following reasons:

  • The site may be malicious software, or simply the "desert file" with the desired name, but without the desired content. The last option can be installed in a dead end, bring the user knocking on the "regsvr32 d3dx9_43.dll" keys to an incorrect decision that it is time to reinstall Windows, etc.
  • Even if you know, "where to throw" this file and how to register it in the system - most likely, it will not fix an error at startup: the program simply reports that it needs some other file (because the game using DirectX requires Not one DLL from it).
  • This is just an incorrect approach, which in the future will definitely fail to solve the problem and correct errors, and in the creation of new ones.

That's all. If there are questions or something works not as expected - leave a comment, I will try to answer.

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