How to add a program to the context menu of Windows


Adding a program to context menu
In this manual on how to add the launch of any program to the context menu. I do not know if it will be useful for you, but in theory there may be, if you don't want to clutch the desktop with labels and often you have to run the same program.

For example, to open a notebook, I, I use the following steps: I click on the right mouse button, I choose "Create" - "Text Document", after which I open it. Although, you can simply add a notepad on the first level of this menu and speed up the process. See also: Simple editing of the context menu of Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 in EasyContextMenu, how to return the control panel to the context menu of the Windows 10 Start button, how to add items in the Open Using menu.

Adding programs to the context menu of the desktop

To add programs to the menu that appears on the right click on the desktop, we will need the registry editor, you can start it by pressing the Windows + R keys, after which you need to enter the REGEDIT in the "Run" window and click OK.

Control of the context menu in the registry editor

In the registry editor, open the following branch: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background \ Shell

Adding a partition in the registry editor

Right-click on the Shell folder and select "Create" - "Section" and give it any name, in my case - "NotePad".

Context menu item name

After that, on the right side of the registry editor, double click on the "Default" parameter and enter the desired name of this program in the "Value" field, as it will be displayed in the context menu.

The next step, click right-click on the created section (NotePad) and, again, select "Create" - "Section". Name the section "Command" (small letters).

Command to start from context menu

And last step: double click on the "Default" parameter and enter the path to the program you want to run in quotes.

That's all, immediately after that (and sometimes only after restarting the computer) in the context menu on the desktop, a new item will appear, which allows you to quickly start the desired application.

Edited desktop menu

You can add how many programs in the context menu, run them with the necessary parameters and the like. All this works in Windows 7, 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems.

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