How to find out how much place and how much left in onedrive


How to find out how much space left in ondrive
Onedrive is an excellent cloud storage of files available on both a Windows 10 computer and other versions of the system and alternative platforms, including Android and iOS. Today, ONEDRIVE provides 5 GB of space (if you were registered for a long time, you can have 15 or even 30 GB of free repository), but it can be extended: for example, the subscription to Office 365 gives the user 1 TB, and for some plans - more than For one account, you can also get a bonus for inviting new users.

If you use ONEDRIVE and want to clarify the size of the free space in ONEDRIVE, as well as the total volume of the cloud storage available to you, it can be easily done using the methods described below. In the context of the topic may be interesting: how to use a protected personal storage in oneDrive.

Ways to find out the size of the free space in oneDrive

There are several ways to determine the total amount of available space in ONEDRIVE and the remaining volume.

Using the official application

  1. On the computer, right-click on the ONEDRIVE icon in the notification area and open the "Parameters". On the "Account" tab, you will see the busy and common place in the cloud storage, and from these numbers to make a conclusion how much space remains.
    View space in ONEDRIVE in Windows 10
  2. On Android on the bottom of the ONEDRIVE, click on "I" in order to view information about the available location in your account and how much space is busy.
  3. On the iPhone, click on the icon of your profile on the left at the top and below you will see information about the busy and affordable storage.
    ONEDRIVE storage on iPhone

Online on ONEDRIVE

If you do not use ONEDRIVE applications, or there is no access to them currently, a cloud storage report can be obtained online: Just go to with your Microsoft account.

View accessible place Onedrive online

On the specified page, you can not only clarify information about an affordable place, but also analyze what is the storage that is occupied, from which the gigabytes available to you are made, get a bonus for inviting users to oneDrive (maximum - 10 GB).

Video instruction

Use onedrive? Or maybe prefer other options for cloud storage for storing files?

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